about 9 years

I'm going to a party next week but I don't drink and have the social skills of someone with an epic mafia account.

How do I socialise

What's on your mind
Start drinking u'll enjoy it ;))))
I don't go outside either
about 9 years
do heroin
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
Yeah, I tend to talk to the crazy peeps. They are the most interesting. Generic talk. Like school, weather, sports, etc. Is boring af.

Or the nerds.I love myself a good nerd off once in a while.
deletedabout 9 years
talk to interesting people
deletedabout 9 years
then change the topic
where u do u go to school
what did u do on new years

relate to their answers and share ur own experiences and the convo will take off on its own
about 9 years
Vilden, agreed.
about 9 years
Im okay at small talk. I just rather have fun. Small talk isnt fun.
about 9 years
i just hate talking about the friggin weather with a stranger. why are people so boring
deletedabout 9 years
if you cant engage in small talk without being awkward good luck functioning as a member of society
about 9 years
Neptune, close one. I thought that was what not to do. I'm glad I did it right. (─‿‿─)
deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
I agree, don't talk to people, don't drink, just pierce your nipples, get chokeslammed through a burning ping pong table and then wake up to a group of 40 year old policemen taking pictures of your butt at 3 in the morning.
deletedabout 9 years

Lucky7 says

police took pictures of my butt hanging out.

about 9 years
But yeah, I only talk to people I know at parties. Like I said. Suck at small talk and I don't show myself to people unless I've known them for a few months.
about 9 years
Agreed,..... I got drunk at bar once, passed out. Later find out buddy got pulled over and police took pictures of my butt hanging out. I thought it was funny.... I just wish I could've seen pictures.... frown face.
about 9 years
Dont need to drink or do small talk, just hang around ur friends if youre uncomfortable
about 9 years
real advice: don't drink for the first time at a party. if it's your first time drinking, drink with friends first, people you trust, because a lot of people end up making fools of themselves. obviously people forget about it and just say "oh they were drunk it was hilarious" but i still recommend starting to drink with friends first, unless it's just a small party of some people you're really close with
about 9 years
!!! I only do crazy ... though, that happened cause I pissed someone off, obviously.
deletedabout 9 years
i prefer getting chokeslammed on the ping pong table
about 9 years
Lmao. Feel ya.... I find it trivial..... nice hair. Oh did you see such and such. Blerg. That and my interest usually don't intertwine with what people want to talk about.
deletedabout 9 years

Neptune says

if you ever feel socially anxious and unable to properly communicate with your peers, pierce your nipples

or powerslam on the ping pong table
about 9 years
This can only end one way

about 9 years
i also can't do small talk. it pisses me off
about 9 years
I don't talk at all at parties, lol. I just go to parties to do wild things. Im terribad at small talk. I find it pointless. Though, I'm great at entertaining. ^O^
deletedabout 9 years
I'm halfway through my first year of college and I haven't even been to a party