over 8 years

Your recent announcement explained that deleting accounts was through email now, but never explained how that worked.

Should Papasmurph self delete
deletedover 8 years
This is the way the harodihg ends

Not with a bang, but a whimper
over 8 years
why would you want to self delete
over 8 years

harodihg says

I'm not self deleting, I was being facetious. I'll gradually fade unti I'm gone and not make some attention seeky thread if anything

You're not allowed to leave.
deletedover 8 years
I'm not self deleting, I was being facetious. I'll gradually fade unti I'm gone and not make some attention seeky thread if anything
deletedover 8 years

harodihg says

Same, haven't received mine either - not in spam also

Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince:
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!
deletedover 8 years
papasmurph give me your info and ill do it for you
deletedover 8 years

Blister says

i think you should be able to change your email. it would just send a confirmation email to your original email. lol

deletedover 8 years
i think you should be able to change your email. it would just send a confirmation email to your original email. lol
over 8 years

Burial says

PapaSmurph says

Well I have not received any. When I went to settings and chose delete, a red bar at the top said I could not. I have not received any email confirmation.

you have to make an alt and turn your alt into your main account to self delete

It still did not work. .....please explain?
over 8 years
I used a temporary mail service so I can never selfdetele.
over 8 years
ya blister did it successfully twice. y'all suck.
deletedover 8 years
if you believe, you can achieve
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years

PapaSmurph says

Well I have not received any. When I went to settings and chose delete, a red bar at the top said I could not. I have not received any email confirmation.

you have to make an alt and turn your alt into your main account to self delete
deletedover 8 years
Same, haven't received mine either - not in spam also
deletedover 8 years
I want to self delete. It wont let me. So help me mods!
over 8 years
Well I have not received any. When I went to settings and chose delete, a red bar at the top said I could not. I have not received any email confirmation.
over 8 years
You'll get a email confirmation.