In light of recent events at epicmafiadotcom, I propose adding a spoiler tag before and after every post, and using TRIGGER WARNING in the title, and as a post-header. This way, we can stop our sensitive fellow humans from having a negative impact on their lives by looking at words. :D
Let's help make epicmafia a safe space for all victims of harassment, folks! REMEMBER, WORDS HURT!
20 signed
I hereby pledge my whole-hearted support to making epicmafia a safe space for all victims of harassment.
You know the use of male pictures for the villagers is also really disgusting. Of course the patriarchy has permeated into epicmafia. I suggest a more gender-neutral symbol that will reflect the diverse community playing the game. And why are the mafia represented by a clearly male figure? Because women are expected to metaphorically submit to men, the "mafia"?
I really wish we could change the word "lynch" here.
Lynching is an incredibly offensive and marginalizing term to the African American people. It brings them back to a history of no justice!
I also suggest we enact minority quotas on the modding team. The patriarchy is in FULL force when the entire governing body of this site is filled with privileged cisscum!
deletedabout 9 years
This is a totally good idea, bro. I'd use a trigger warning myself, but the only thing I'm triggering is a fight against insensitivity