trying to get out of gold, it'd be great if someone could support me. I play Draven. EUW- TronV
deleted almost 8 years
I added you too, glow
deleted almost 8 years
added you on NA, i'll add your EUW when i'm back on it
add me @shoodoow on na or @americanah on euw im bored nd need ppl to play w
i just made an NA account called Cupîd Stunt if anyone wants to play some low level games
probably language / "flaming". i've had 2 chat restrictions. the stupid thing is, the game that got me banned, my sup just threw out insults, trolled and inted all game. people on both teams reported them, but they reported me and i got banned lul. that kinda thing happens regularly and 'cause i give them shít for trolling, and the automatic system picks up on certain words like rētard, i get punished
deleted almost 8 years
Isn't there like 1 or 2 reasons you can get banned in league if you don't cheat, lol
feels bad when ur main account gets a 14 day ban feels good when u have a smurf called Syndra is Thicc and she's in free rotation
not very well though apparently
i still take exhaust whenever i decide to not dodge a support game because i play the cute female supports
Depends on the champ/enemy team comp and I argue it's still debatable
it's actually more viable now with the exhaust nerfs
ignite on support u r scum
Edark says mindful says why are you opi'ing my summoners name? zzz HAHAHA YOU ACTUALLY EDITED IT I WAS JK
Edark says and people say support cant carry pfft someone else got more kills than u ... HMMM
mindful says why are you opi'ing my summoners name? zzz
why are you opi'ing my summoners name?
and people say support cant carry pfft
deleted almost 8 years
that never happens to me cause I never lose he he he
when you're playing on your main but it feels like smurfing because you lost so many dumb games in a row between the hours of 3 am and 8 am
xPooky says Is Jayce considered a cancer champ? the poke is literally cancer unless you have high mobility and scripting
Is Jayce considered a cancer champ?
Free elo tips: play Kogmaw adc and have some supportive champs, like Ivern jungle and Janna support and you'll shower in ELO.