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Drunk Ama - The Cozy version

almost 9 years

Idk why im doing this, but whatevs

because you love me
you love me regardless
you love me regardless
almost 9 years
how cozy are you
almost 9 years

Blister says

wat up biotch

your cawk
almost 9 years

Sawnic says

tbh we can be friends because of your fav pizza toppings

almost 9 years

Anthony says

cozy says

Anthony says

cozy says

pamda says

would you rather live 10 years with Loreli or 5 with Anthony? And why?

Gimme Anthony just because I talk to the dude :]

hey abe get fucced i'm a better conversationalist even when i'm drunk 0wnded zoned!!!!!! btw my question to you roshni is what are your top 3 favorite colors, pizza toppings, mafia roles, mafia players, and s3x positions

Colors: Black, Blue, Gray
Pizza Toppings: Pineapple, jalapeños, and bacon .-.
Mafia Roles: CULT, CULT, CULT
Players: I love too many people pls
S3x Positions: Guess you'll just have to find that out

negged for not including red tbh

rude as fk
almost 9 years

cozy says

Anthony says

cozy says

pamda says

would you rather live 10 years with Loreli or 5 with Anthony? And why?

Gimme Anthony just because I talk to the dude :]

hey abe get fucced i'm a better conversationalist even when i'm drunk 0wnded zoned!!!!!! btw my question to you roshni is what are your top 3 favorite colors, pizza toppings, mafia roles, mafia players, and s3x positions

Colors: Black, Blue, Gray
Pizza Toppings: Pineapple, jalapeños, and bacon .-.
Mafia Roles: CULT, CULT, CULT
Players: I love too many people pls
S3x Positions: Guess you'll just have to find that out

negged for not including red tbh
deletedalmost 9 years
wat up biotch
deletedalmost 9 years
tbh we can be friends because of your fav pizza toppings
almost 9 years

Anthony says

cozy says

pamda says

would you rather live 10 years with Loreli or 5 with Anthony? And why?

Gimme Anthony just because I talk to the dude :]

hey abe get fucced i'm a better conversationalist even when i'm drunk 0wnded zoned!!!!!! btw my question to you roshni is what are your top 3 favorite colors, pizza toppings, mafia roles, mafia players, and s3x positions

Colors: Black, Blue, Gray
Pizza Toppings: Pineapple, jalapeños, and bacon .-.
Mafia Roles: CULT, CULT, CULT
Players: I love too many people pls
S3x Positions: Guess you'll just have to find that out
almost 9 years

bisoux says


deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years

cozy says

pamda says


hmmmm hmmmmmm hmmm u already know that nerd
but i really don't hate anyone, maybe just despise a few people [:

almost 9 years

cozy says

pamda says

would you rather live 10 years with Loreli or 5 with Anthony? And why?

Gimme Anthony just because I talk to the dude :]

hey abe get fucced i'm a better conversationalist even when i'm drunk 0wnded zoned!!!!!! btw my question to you roshni is what are your top 3 favorite colors, pizza toppings, mafia roles, mafia players, and s3x positions
almost 9 years

pamda says

would you rather live 10 years with Loreli or 5 with Anthony? And why?

Gimme Anthony just because I talk to the dude :]
almost 9 years

pamda says

cozy says

pamda says

qtpamm says

how do u feel about this

u still love me

no it was more about the fact that its Anthony + my 4 alts. Alone. On that side.

y'all still love me
it's like multiple pam orgy + anthony
almost 9 years

Retti says

what's your original EM name/acc

almost 9 years

Japter says

would you rather live 10 years with infinite wealth or 80 normally

gimme the infinite wealth
more money = more booze = happier cozy
deletedalmost 9 years

cozy says

pamda says

qtpamm says

how do u feel about this

u still love me

no it was more about the fact that its Anthony + my 4 alts. Alone. On that side.
deletedalmost 9 years

pamda says

would you rather live 10 years with Loreli or 5 with Anthony? And why?

pams a savage
almost 9 years

pamda says

qtpamm says

how do u feel about this

u still love me
deletedalmost 9 years
would you rather live 10 years with Loreli or 5 with Anthony? And why?
deletedalmost 9 years
what's your original EM name/acc
deletedalmost 9 years
would you rather live 10 years with infinite wealth or 80 normally
deletedalmost 9 years

qtpamm says

how do u feel about this

almost 9 years

pamda says

what about this

i hate u
almost 9 years

Japter says

rate out of 10
