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Epicmafia Adventure #2.1

deletedalmost 9 years

If anyone wants to sign up for a sub please PM me. You can either assume the role of a previous character or make a new one.

"A text based adventure game, hosted by me. Post to join the adventuring party." - Arcbell, previous DM

Unlike the preious installment, you are allowed to create your own character. Please bare in mind that any character you make needs to be idealistic, and not a powertrip. No Gary or Mary sues.

Please use bold when you are making any action. If you want to speak to someone in-game (NPC, another player), then use quotations. If you are posting you are either posting in character or you are doing something. If you need to make any notes that are not related to the game just add OOC (Out of Character) next whatever it is you have to say. You are allowed to continue to talk in OOC until you queue up another action, just let me know it's OOC first before doing so. Always, always be descriptive in your actions as I am only here to interpret what you do and my idea of you hitting something might be different from you hitting something.


Good -

Assume a fighting stance and prepare for any attack by raising my arms above my face in a guarding position.

Bad -

Assume fighting stance.

That being said, if your character does have powers, abilities, or weapons. Be specific. Follow this sheet accordingly and fill it out for me. A little backstory also doesn't hurt and may benefit you along the way!




Description: (Images can be used)



Fighting Style / Basic Attacks:

Filling out this sheet confirms to me that you are playing the game and will participate accordingly. Do not make a character sheet if you have no intention to be active or let alone play. I will replace you if your negligence causes the game to stagnate too far. Be sure to check this thread daily.

Character Sheets:

Town of Hub

Extra character sheets

deletedalmost 9 years

CAT3101 says

OOC: Do we all want to put in our skypes? We could make a big skype group for this game, seems like it could be more manageable.

we could do this and just discuss the game w/o being ooc on here
deletedalmost 9 years

CAT3101 says

Rolan spawns in and looks around. Taking in the squabbling party members and "God," he decides that he is the only sane one in this party. He interjects, "I think that we should take the path of least resistance, and go throughout the labyrinth. That way, we can start the campaign off by trying out something that probably will not kill us as quickly."

i think you're underestimating the labyrinth. if anything id guess that would have the most resistance lol

idm which we go to but i agree we should all stick together
almost 9 years
OOC: Do we all want to put in our skypes? We could make a big skype group for this game, seems like it could be more manageable.
deletedalmost 9 years
Cave: Giantdad, Wombat, Mikan
Labyrinth: Morty, Rolan
almost 9 years
I must go for now i'll be on later tonight! (if you must have my vote i'll do cave but I truly don't care where we go)
deletedalmost 9 years
It has been too long since Giantdad has killed something, he starts emitting a low pitched growl and walks around town looking for something to kill.
deletedalmost 9 years
Cave: Giantdad, Wombat
Labyrinth: Morty, Rolan
almost 9 years
Rolan spawns in and looks around. Taking in the squabbling party members and "God," he decides that he is the only sane one in this party. He interjects, "I think that we should take the path of least resistance, and go throughout the labyrinth. That way, we can start the campaign off by trying out something that probably will not kill us as quickly."
almost 9 years
I'm fine with either I have no pref
deletedalmost 9 years
We take votes on where we go

Cave: Giantdad, Wombat
Labyrinth: Morty

We all collectively go the route that has most votes

i'll keep updating it this way.
deletedalmost 9 years
I vote cave
almost 9 years
^ Can we all agree to this so we don't have that 1 person that goes the other way and just kills them self
deletedalmost 9 years
We take votes on where we go

Cave: Japter
Labyrinth: Goodbar

We all collectively go the route that has most votes
almost 9 years
Don't rush good dear lord this takes TIME!!!!
deletedalmost 9 years
Hmm, If it seems that grueling enough to take a considerable amount of time then I suppose we should stick together and clear objectives one after the other.
almost 9 years
i pick the labyrinth
almost 9 years
I assume a ton of people will want to do the fighting so maybe it's best we just all do 1 thing and then move on to the next
I also assume no matter what Japter is going to the cave with or without us
deletedalmost 9 years
Giantdad starts swinging his chaos zweihander around impatiently, scouring the floor. He seems to be excited at the thought of killing.
deletedalmost 9 years

aladrew says

Will there be maps and such or is it all done through our heads

I will make maps to the best of my ability.
deletedalmost 9 years
Will there be maps and such or is it all done through our heads
deletedalmost 9 years
God proceeds to leave the scene. "You're on your own for now. This is the part where I stop dropping hints and the adventure aspect comes in."
deletedalmost 9 years

Tsugumi says

so this is over once we complete both paths?

Yes. Both are going to take a relative amount of time so it's not like you're gonna walk into a cave, kill a giant monster, and then immediately be done.
deletedalmost 9 years
There will be some twist with god no doubt, then we kill him and i guess it ends there
deletedalmost 9 years
so this is over once we complete both paths?
deletedalmost 9 years
Whatever you feel your best strength is I would advise going that route. Yes aladrew.