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Epicmafia Adventure #2.1

deletedalmost 9 years

If anyone wants to sign up for a sub please PM me. You can either assume the role of a previous character or make a new one.

"A text based adventure game, hosted by me. Post to join the adventuring party." - Arcbell, previous DM

Unlike the preious installment, you are allowed to create your own character. Please bare in mind that any character you make needs to be idealistic, and not a powertrip. No Gary or Mary sues.

Please use bold when you are making any action. If you want to speak to someone in-game (NPC, another player), then use quotations. If you are posting you are either posting in character or you are doing something. If you need to make any notes that are not related to the game just add OOC (Out of Character) next whatever it is you have to say. You are allowed to continue to talk in OOC until you queue up another action, just let me know it's OOC first before doing so. Always, always be descriptive in your actions as I am only here to interpret what you do and my idea of you hitting something might be different from you hitting something.


Good -

Assume a fighting stance and prepare for any attack by raising my arms above my face in a guarding position.

Bad -

Assume fighting stance.

That being said, if your character does have powers, abilities, or weapons. Be specific. Follow this sheet accordingly and fill it out for me. A little backstory also doesn't hurt and may benefit you along the way!




Description: (Images can be used)



Fighting Style / Basic Attacks:

Filling out this sheet confirms to me that you are playing the game and will participate accordingly. Do not make a character sheet if you have no intention to be active or let alone play. I will replace you if your negligence causes the game to stagnate too far. Be sure to check this thread daily.

Character Sheets:

Town of Hub

Extra character sheets

deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
I need a replacement for Japter/Giantdad. PM me.
deletedalmost 9 years
This thread is now locked until the two groups meet each other again. I am assuming that Group 2 is going to town and Group 1 is entering the cave.
deletedalmost 9 years
Make sure you keep discord open while you're on the computer so I don't have to track you down to do an action.
deletedalmost 9 years
Check discord to see what party you're in. We'll start whenever you're ready.
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
so, I say we head back to town, then split up into rhinos groups. +1 this post if you agree, and -1 if you disagree.
deletedalmost 9 years
Dems are just tsug's teams from the discord XD, there pretty good. I think we should follow dem
deletedalmost 9 years
Mikan, having a sort of attachment to the blob, keeps the blob for herself, and promptly names it "Mr. Wiggles."
deletedalmost 9 years
here's the 2nd team sorry btw guys this is just what I came up with I'm not saying these are the only possible teams or anything
almost 9 years

RhinoSoreAss says

OOC: so I found some good team compositions, tell me what you think

first group:
1.Rolan Galonodel(deals great damage to bleeding targets) - 2.Mikan Tsumiki (heals, does bleeding damage) - 3.Maeve Red(dodger, damage buff) - 4.Gravedigger (deals great damage, could tank with higher hp due to self heal and damage debuff) - 5.Tsugumi(high damage, can be buffed, immobolizes the target) 6. Giantdad (immobolize, great damage)

almost all of them have great damage so the damage buff is very useful to this team, and 3 of them can immobilize enemies which can be very helpful as well

second group:

you posted the same group twice
deletedalmost 9 years
"I will be in any team as long as I am with Morty, I have helped this kid so far might as well keep going with it.
deletedalmost 9 years
We cant put all our strong people in 1 team, we need a mix so both teams live instead of 1 owning and one getting destroyed
deletedalmost 9 years
OOC: so I found some good team compositions, tell me what you think

first group:
1.Rolan Galonodel(deals great damage to bleeding targets) - 2.Mikan Tsumiki (heals, does bleeding damage) - 3.Maeve Red(dodger, damage buff) - 4.Gravedigger (deals great damage, could tank with higher hp due to self heal and damage debuff) - 5.Tsugumi(high damage, can be buffed, immobolizes the target) 6. Giantdad (immobolize, great damage)

almost all of them have great damage so the damage buff is very useful to this team, and 3 of them can immobilize enemies which can be very helpful as well

second group:
almost 9 years
feeling the goop slide off her body Mikan lightly smiles in victory with her party before speaking up "W-Well I will go where ever I am needed so p-please use me a-as you like."
almost 9 years
"Zeref and I should be a group. I have no magic power, nor do I wish to receive any help from any of you, so it makes sense to be teamed with someone that has strong magic power and isn't able to help me in any way even if he wanted to."
deletedalmost 9 years
As the blob turns to goop I swish my staff to the side to clean it off such goop and put it on my back, I wait for some others to join the groups before deciding what one to join. I zen out near the cave
almost 9 years
booklmark the link or download the program if you prefer
almost 9 years
the discord app is cool but you can just use the browser version if you want, i doubt we'll be using the voice channels anyway
deletedalmost 9 years
Join connor's discord if you haven't. (Check skype or ask for an invite.)
almost 9 years
"We should split the teams evenly in terms of power/utility. We only have one healer so one team is gonna have to go back to hub town and buy some healing items."
almost 9 years
"I don't think we should have leaders or captains pick teams, just join whichever group you want to join.

Or decide to lead group 2, you know."
deletedalmost 9 years

"Aw crud I always get picked last when we split into teams at recess... :T"
deletedalmost 9 years
"If you're in group 1, I'd suggest Rolan for group 2"
deletedalmost 9 years
Hibiki promotes herself much like a team captain would and decides to name herself apart of Group 1.