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Sticker Lotto: Anti Edition #2

deletedalmost 9 years

I have a few extra tokens laying around and I decided to, once again, do a sticker lotto. I'll be picking two numbers at random via RNG. Leave the number in a post below and that will be your raffle number of sorts.

(ex: The first person would be "Entry #1", second would be "Entry #2")

I'll end this a week from today to give a fair chance to everyone.

Alts are allowed. Sticker will be given to the profile/player of your choice. Past winners are always encouraged to participate again.

You have until 2/25.


almost 9 years
Enter = + 68
almost 9 years
Entry #67
deletedalmost 9 years
Entry #66 - you're so kind for doing this again anti!! <3
almost 9 years
entry #65
deletedalmost 9 years
#64 hi hi :^)
almost 9 years
Entry #63
almost 9 years
Entry #62 XD
almost 9 years
entry 61
almost 9 years
Entry #60
almost 9 years
#59th Entry
almost 9 years
Entry #58
almost 9 years
Entry #57
almost 9 years
Entry #56
deletedalmost 9 years

FreeSpiritYouth says

entry #putmeoutofmymisery

if this was an actually entry, this was 38 and everything after is +1.

As for the rest:
Kian is 50
jCookieMonster is 51
jMilkManj is 52
gearz is 53
Sadistic is 54
tear is 55

this should be right and if not who listens to the guy who gets killed the first night anyway

also this got popular fast lol

EDIT: I am not an entry, if I'm correct next person is 56 and stop messing up the count gdi
almost 9 years
Why are you making us mark our own, this is clearly going awry.
deletedalmost 9 years
Entry #33
deletedalmost 9 years
Entry #32
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
Entry #51
almost 9 years
Entry #50
deletedalmost 9 years
Entry #49
almost 9 years
you're 49
almost 9 years
Entry #50???? 49???? Anthony ruining this for me????
almost 9 years
oh my god abe
almost 9 years
Entry #48
