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need attention ama

about 9 years


deletedabout 9 years
i'm here for you brother

not brother dave, just my brother
about 9 years
why do u need attention man, you feeling lonely?
about 9 years
im cool with hugs but i'm not overly huggy or anything. i suppose that would be in the middle
about 9 years
how do you feel about hugs? are you a huggy person or are you more like "no pls dont touch me".
about 9 years
overwood couldn't predict entire games from day 1 with no mechanical information
deletedabout 9 years
Overwood says differently nerdlord
about 9 years

Tatami says

Who is the greatest mafia player of all time and why is it me?

you don't have my towngame sorry pal
about 9 years

fred12344 says

asuka or rei

didnt watch nge far enough to meet asuka
about 9 years

starfuel says

whatup man?


starfuel says

are you a vegetarian/vegan? if not have u ever thought of being one?

no and yes. my stepmom's a huge animal lover so i wasn't surprised she became a vegan sometime last year. i can see why someone would and wonder if i should but because of previously mentioned Eating Disorderâ„¢ i could never do it myself
deletedabout 9 years
Who is the greatest mafia player of all time and why is it me?
about 9 years
asuka or rei
about 9 years
are you a vegetarian/vegan? if not have u ever thought of being one?
about 9 years
whatup man?
about 9 years