Jesus this new trailer looks terrible off, new Alola forms, basically pokemon from old gens re skinned and re typed (Vulpix and Ninetails are ice type, eggexecute is a palm tree, sandslash and sandshrew are ice),
lots of new pokemon revealed that look pretty terrible IMO,
NO GYMS OR ELITE FOUR. New thing called the island challenge, you have to travel to each island, meet the Challange captain or some sh!t, solve puzzles, do quests, defeat Totem Pokemon (Regular pokemon with a power boost, and the ability to call backup), and then beat the Island Master dude.
Seems like tons of different pokemon can be ridden, tauros, sharpedo, the ground horse thing...
Finally, Z-Powers, each type has a Z Power, and every pokemon can use it (ex Pikachu can use the electricity z type), and it can only be used once per battle.
This is very different from the pokemon we know and love lads