Post 3 EM users here and Charley and I will choose which we want to F, Marry or Kill.
Go.... (inspired by shamz)
PatrykSzczescie JonSnow itg321
gerry, antikrist, simplypam
hmmmm okay, satan, devante, justrec
charley says Kevin says abc, Private, and Quest marry abc f quest (he is abc) and kill privatewow that says a lot about private you couldnt pay me to F a cow anyways.
Kevin says abc, Private, and Quest marry abc f quest (he is abc) and kill privatewow that says a lot about private
abc, Private, and Quest
The Argentinian trio! Pamda, Krystal, Mori
Awnyy, pamda and soda
charley, jane and sayonara :)
sayonara says charley, jane and sayonara :) marry charley f myself and kill sayonara ;)