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lol wtf is this EM award

deletedalmost 9 years

and why didn't I win one

I should have one an award for the Prettiest, sexiest, hottest and best EM player there is I'm just saying.

Because really. I'm the only person on this site who has a higher than 1% of chance of getting hooked up in real life.

I can't help it if I'm a pretty girl!

deletedalmost 9 years
@Simplypam you cal me a troll one more time and I'll report you to the moderators. i dont have time to be dealing with people like you who think they are superiour

bye bye!
deletedalmost 9 years
Good thread

pick one.
deletedalmost 9 years
This is actually a good thread
deletedalmost 9 years
disregard the troll
almost 9 years
oh god

crazy (maybe troll?) person is making threads
deletedalmost 9 years
whatever @Blister you're not even funny or sexy im sexy thanks bye!
deletedalmost 9 years

ling says

jks i didnt vote you LOL

LOL thought so u fkin troll
almost 9 years
jks i didnt vote you LOL
deletedalmost 9 years

ling says

i voted for you buddy

lol cheers buddy i voted you for biggest epicmafia manwhore
almost 9 years
i voted for you buddy
deletedalmost 9 years

Blister says

i was voted funniest player lol i guess im pretty funny but i would prefer sexiest player award

prob made 100 accs 2 vote urself u fkin nerd
deletedalmost 9 years

sweetnkind says

if youre voted best player overall do you win your freedom from this website

yes, you earn a .38 and one bullet
deletedalmost 9 years
Em is the hotel california, you can check out anytime you want but you cant ever leave
deletedalmost 9 years
if youre voted best player overall do you win your freedom from this website
deletedalmost 9 years
i was voted funniest player lol i guess im pretty funny but i would prefer sexiest player award
deletedalmost 9 years
Happy birthday Cloveox!