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Forum Mafia 13

deletedalmost 9 years

The game has ended in a Mafia Win.

I. The Schedule:

72 hour days and 12 hour nights.

If the majority of night actions have not been submitted by the end of the night, I will extend the night another 12 hours. This will only occur once per night at most.

II. The Setup:

(Changes from previous forum mafia games are in bold)

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia makes the kill each night. They will be the only one to visit the target.
  • On death, players flip their full role by default.
  • Members of the mafia may both make their role action as well as the factional kill on the same night.

III. The Roles:

Please note the additions of Templar, Celebrity, and Serial Killer. These additions do not confirm they will be present in the game.

IV. The Rules:

Please note the addition of the Twilight phase (in short, discussion after the hammer has occurred is now allowed until I am present to begin the night phase). Also, supermajority rules are in effect with no time limit.

V. Game Mechanics:

  • Meetings between players (mafia, masons, templars) will be facilitated in whatever way is most convenient for the players, as long as I can access these communications. Skype, Discord, QuickTopics, or Private Messages which include the moderators are all fine.
  • Votes must be made in the format Vote: Playername. Bolding is done using the tags [b][/b].

almost 9 years

ClaireRedfield says

for FK sakes what has john done that's even remotely towny

johnreid says

Claires found the mafia already gerry LMFAO, im the mafia so since you tr her so hard why dont u lynch me and prove how smart she is.

^ that's enough.
almost 9 years

Gerry says

People I'm not lynching today: Ultra, Claire, John, Sincerely, Blister?, AntiKrist? (in case that PR thing is real.)

Blister since you're here can you out reads on everyone?

for FK sakes what has john done that's even remotely towny
almost 9 years
People I'm not lynching today: Ultra, Claire, John, Sincerely, Blister?, AntiKrist? (in case that PR thing is real.)

Blister since you're here can you out reads on everyone?
almost 9 years
"passionate" huh at least Blister can put it in a nice way unlike the others thanks Blister you get a +1 in my book
almost 9 years

Gerry says

krystalk says

Gerry says

dude imagine if krystal talked more and helped us find the mafia ;)

dude imagine if gerry was right about coll :(

ok u win this round

Krystal wins unless you flip maf, in which case you win
almost 9 years

krystalk says

Gerry says

dude imagine if krystal talked more and helped us find the mafia ;)

dude imagine if gerry was right about coll :(

ok u win this round
almost 9 years
lets get ultra then
deletedalmost 9 years
claire is my biggest TR. she's an absolute nutcase and i don't see her doing the things she's done as mafia. blocking people, being incredibly vitriolic and hostile, coming out with these ridiculous reads and theories. i just think she's a very passionate townie
almost 9 years
Everyone lets play a game of don't :sheep: the clear
almost 9 years
Krystal be more active and go pranay and force them to sheep u
almost 9 years

johnreid says

rekt/10 - tbh we shoulda just lynched the blue claim and we woulda been in so much better of a position.

i wanted and they all were gonna get blister who im still p sure is town
almost 9 years
Imagine if Blister and Calvin were here for more then 5 posts
almost 9 years
rekt/10 - tbh we shoulda just lynched the blue claim and we woulda been in so much better of a position.
deletedalmost 9 years
Imagine if coll claimed before we lynched him.
almost 9 years

Gerry says

dude imagine if krystal talked more and helped us find the mafia ;)

dude imagine if gerry was right about coll :(
almost 9 years
I left krystal alive so I can manipulate her ;)
almost 9 years

krystalk says

dude imagine claire and john are mafia and concocted this whole plan ;)

I don't care about this game enough to try that
almost 9 years
dude imagine if krystal talked more and helped us find the mafia ;)
almost 9 years
dude imagine claire and john are mafia and concocted this whole plan ;)
deletedalmost 9 years
Let's cool it on the negativity guys. Remeber; attack the play, not the player.
almost 9 years
Honestly it's sad I have to put up with this from just rude people who feel the need to attack someone *shrug* they'll learn one day and feel bad but it's alright I will forgive them because that's just who I am
almost 9 years

Gerry says

Just cause I tr her doesn't mean I think her reads are correct. lol

Why don't you trust my reads for once then and vote in the pool I gave you
almost 9 years
Look if we have people like claire in here theres no point trying, ill just lurk the rest of the game then grudgevote her.
almost 9 years
Just cause I tr her doesn't mean I think her reads are correct. lol
almost 9 years

johnreid says

You are the biggest f*cking hypocrit i have ever met in my life.

This b1tch calls me stupid at daystart and now is throwing a hissy fit when I return the favour.

Boy if this is what you call a hissy fit you clearly have not met any angry people in your lifetime John I feel bad for you and what you have to go through I hope you feel better :)