deletedalmost 9 years

Here is a question I want to ask you all because every side to this question intrigues me a lot:

Why do you believe in God or why don't you believe in God?

Do you think religion in general is good or bad for a single society? Humanity?

Do you find people who believe in God to be hopeful? Misinformed?

If you don't believe in God, what is at the end of this wacky world? Nothing? Something else rather than Heaven or Hell or Limbo?

I am seriously intrigued by this and would like to know what you all think.

deletedalmost 9 years

ScubaSteve says

here we go. every year with this thread, without fail.

Theres really only three things to talk about wealth, sex, and philosophy
almost 9 years

ScubaSteve says

here we go. every year with this thread, without fail.

better than meteor threads
deletedalmost 9 years
here we go. every year with this thread, without fail.
deletedalmost 9 years

hardeffingworker says

what did jesus say when they got his hands off the cross

I'm not saying i'm gay but i just got nailed by a bunch of dudes :p :^) haha lol
almost 9 years

Blister says

what if i'm a good guy and i sin a heck of a lot

i think there's too much grey area dude, the concept of hell is just used to fear-monger people. think about it, would there be nearly as many believers in God if there was absolutely no concept of hell? HELL NO!

purgatory dude, it's gonna be...meh!
deletedalmost 9 years

hardeffingworker says

what did jesus say when they got his hands off the cross

Boy my arms are sore!!! lol
deletedalmost 9 years
what if i'm a good guy and i sin a heck of a lot

i think there's too much grey area dude, the concept of hell is just used to fear-monger people. think about it, would there be nearly as many believers in God if there was absolutely no concept of hell? HELL NO!
deletedalmost 9 years
what did jesus say when they got his hands off the cross
deletedalmost 9 years
On the contrary, people who do not believe are not automatically sent to Hell. God is not a hateful being; I believe Him to be a loving and forgiving God, which is why we are able to live after life. He forgives us for our sins. If you are a "pretty decent guy," then I believe you are actually on the route to Heaven. I am not one to judge in a good or bad way, considering I have no idea who you actually are. That applies for everyone, too. I think the only one who can truly judge is God. If you are a kind soul, with a good heart, but are, again, in my opinion, misguided, then God will see you as a good soul.

Kind of unrelated, but I learned of this new belief that, after people die, they are given a confrontation with God/Jesus. In this confrontation, they are able to give a final word, asking if they really believe, or if they still deny. If you deny God in front of God, it affect Judgement. I don't think I truly believe in it, but it's a very interesting theory.

The afterlife is going to be a heck of an experience, no matter what may be there. Haha.
deletedalmost 9 years

Blister says

rutab, do you believe that i will go to hell? i am a pretty decent guy, all things considered. i really hope that you have a great time in heaven knowing that i am burning in an eternal pit of flames.

i am being facetious here of course, but it's really the biggest problem for me with (most) religions. my family are all christian, but i am an atheist, so i will go to hell why they are in heaven. do you really think that is a true paradise? my parents knowing that their only son is suffering in hell? doesn't sound like it. upon death i am split up from them, all because i don't believe.

you believe that *billions* of people, including very very good people (perhaps even better christians than some christians themselves) will go to hell, all because they didn't profess their belief in one god over thousands of others, and i just cannot comprehend that.

I did not say that I believe all disbelievers shall be sent to Hell, and that all people who believe will be sent to Heaven.

Just because someone proclaims they believe in God and live in His name through Jesus Christ does not mean they are good people or they are automatically destined to live in Paradise. In order to be sent to Heaven, you must live a life of good; simply stating you are a believer does not send you one way or another. If you truly believe in God and live the correct way, in my opinion, you will be living a life that will lead you to a final, nice resting place. People who say they believe and live a life of great sin will not go to Heaven. That being said, everyone sins, since humans are imperfect creatures.
deletedalmost 9 years

Superman says

How are the things you believe passed on genetically?

Specific beliefs aren't AFAIK, but some of the undiluted tendencies and personality traits that give rise to them definitely seem to be, so it's not a far stretch to say that conscience is or is derived from those genetic tendencies.

I apologize if you're not trolling but I think you probably are so I might stop replying after this. ^^;
deletedalmost 9 years
it was just a bit of sexual education
deletedalmost 9 years

Blister says

rutab, do you believe that i will go to hell? i am a pretty decent guy, all things considered. i really hope that you have a great time in heaven knowing that i am burning in an eternal pit of flames.

i am being facetious here of course, but it's really the biggest problem for me with (most) religions. my family are all christian, but i am an atheist, so i will go to hell why they are in heaven. do you really think that is a true paradise? my parents knowing that their only son is suffering in hell? doesn't sound like it. upon death i am split up from them, all because i don't believe.

you believe that *billions* of people, including very very good people (perhaps even better christians than some christians themselves) will go to hell, all because they didn't profess their belief in one god over thousands of others, and i just cannot comprehend that.

You show your wang to strangers that isnt a decent guy thing to do burn in hell you heathen
deletedalmost 9 years
rutab, do you believe that i will go to hell? i am a pretty decent guy, all things considered. i really hope that you have a great time in heaven knowing that i am burning in an eternal pit of flames.

i am being facetious here of course, but it's really the biggest problem for me with (most) religions. my family are all christian, but i am an atheist, so i will go to hell why they are in heaven. do you really think that is a true paradise? my parents knowing that their only son is suffering in hell? doesn't sound like it. upon death i am split up from them, all because i don't believe.

you believe that *billions* of people, including very very good people (perhaps even better christians than some christians themselves) will go to hell, all because they didn't profess their belief in one god over thousands of others, and i just cannot comprehend that.
almost 9 years
"I pray to God every day for passwords, so I can suicide people out of their games when I am about to lose my oh-so-precious game."

― Anonymous
deletedalmost 9 years

rutab says

Is it wrong for someone to turn to religion for a sense of comfort, then?

Not especially. The concepts of "wrong" and "right" aren't really clear-cut like that. I think you should work on finding a more concrete and practical form of solace, especially if you're aware that you're turning to religion for comfort (if you're talking about yourself, that is, which now that I think of it you proooobably aren't haha), but I'm me and you're you. It's when people turn to religion and then use it as an excuse for something in real life that I think it's hurtful -- whether intentionally or unintentionally so.

I should probably give this more consideration at some point, because I now realize I hadn't been very thorough about considering the feelings of the person in need of that comfort. At the very least, if they aren't hurting others and don't feel like they have something else ot hold onto at that point in their life, trying to rip it away from them is more obviously close to "wrong" than their little weakness (AS I VIEW IT from an atheist standpoint).
almost 9 years

FriendlyFluffySheep says

Superman says

Satan says

religion doesn't create morality lol

I agree. So where does it come from?

it's passed on by genetics or social osmosis or both. You're born with a conscience, and that enables people to form groups and bonds and progress in those groups, and trust each other, and plenty more I won't and can't list.

Besides, not knowing the alternative answer to something isn't a reason to assume a set of ideas with very little logical grounding to be correct.

How are the things you believe passed on genetically?
almost 9 years

Blister says

Superman says

Blister says

we decided pretty early on that for society to function and prosper we can't go around killing everyone and doing whatever we wanted

We all happened to agree that murder, r*ape, robbery, fraud, infidelity etc are wrong? How did we all happen to agree?

our early ancestors might not have believed those things were "wrong" per say, but they realised that committing murder and those other crimes would inhibit the progress of the tribe/society, and so didn't do them. (e.g, killing some guy means you now have less men to fetch meat, fend off predators, etc)

so then conscience evolves as a way to keep the social bond strong, and boom, we have morality.

look at how our moral beliefs have changed over the years. in biblical times we believe slavery, poor treatment of women etc was acceptable. now that's obviously changed (for the most part) which supports the idea that morality is a product of human social evolution

Part 1: "Realized they were 'wrong.'" implying these actions were /wrong/ before they realized it.

Part 2: The bible commands us to love all, neighbors included. And "love your wives as you love yourselves."
deletedalmost 9 years
“Oh Lord Most High, Creator of the Cosmos, Spinner of Galaxies, Soul of Electromagnetic Waves, Inhaler and Exhaler of Inconceivable Volumes of Vacuum, Spitter of Fire and Rock, Trifler with Millennia — what could we do for Thee that Thou couldst not do for Thyself one octillion times better? Nothing. What could we do or say that could possibly interest Thee? Nothing. Oh, Mankind, rejoice in the apathy of our Creator, for it makes us free and truthful and dignified at last. No longer can a fool point to a ridiculous accident of good luck and say, 'Somebody up there likes me.' And no longer can a tyrant say, 'God wants this or that to happen, and anyone who doesn't help this or that to happen is against God.' O Lord Most High, what a glorious weapon is Thy Apathy, for we have unsheathed it, have thrust and slashed mightily with it, and the claptrap that has so often enslaved us or driven us into the madhouse lies slain!" -The prayer of the Reverend C. Horner Redwine”
― Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan
deletedalmost 9 years

Superman says

R*pe is immoral because it doesn't pick the most suitable partners to reproduce? That is why it's immoral?

At the most primal level yeah its why we developed that way. Its not good for humans as a whole if the woman were by unworthy seed, women lives are put at stake when they are pregnant and it also takes precious time to carry the baby that could have been used on a better suited partnership. We have developed more of a conscious and there is plenty of other reasons not to because you know women are a little more then just baby carriers
deletedalmost 9 years

Superman says

Satan says

religion doesn't create morality lol

I agree. So where does it come from?

it's passed on by genetics or social osmosis or both. You're born with a conscience, and that enables people to form groups and bonds and progress in those groups, and trust each other, and plenty more I won't and can't list.

Besides, not knowing the alternative answer to something isn't a reason to assume a set of ideas with very little logical grounding to be correct.
deletedalmost 9 years
let's not make every thread about unless it involves donald trump
deletedalmost 9 years

Superman says

Blister says

we decided pretty early on that for society to function and prosper we can't go around killing everyone and doing whatever we wanted

We all happened to agree that murder, r*ape, robbery, fraud, infidelity etc are wrong? How did we all happen to agree?

our early ancestors might not have believed those things were "wrong" per say, but they realised that committing murder and those other crimes would inhibit the progress of the tribe/society, and so didn't do them. (e.g, killing some guy means you now have less men to fetch meat, fend off predators, etc)

so then conscience evolves as a way to keep the social bond strong, and boom, we have morality.

look at how our moral beliefs have changed over the years. in biblical times we believe slavery, poor treatment of women etc was acceptable. now that's obviously changed (for the most part) which supports the idea that morality is a product of human social evolution
almost 9 years

Fam says

Superman says

Fam says

Superman says

Satan says

religion doesn't create morality lol

I agree. So where does it come from?

Nature is going to teach us not to wrong our own kind even the most primal animals dont go out of their way to harm their own kind. But religion/culture does instill some morality into us its why Christians argue about homosexuality or some people feel guilty watching p*rn or why some societies thought it was ok to sacrifice people.

But if you dictate by nature, isn't r*ape just forcible copulation? You're trying to pass on your line. There's nothing /wrong/ with it?

R*pe doesnt ensure that the most suitable male is picked to breed we'd be unintelligent animals if that was the case

R*pe is immoral because it doesn't pick the most suitable partners to reproduce? That is why it's immoral?
deletedalmost 9 years

Superman says

Fam says

Superman says

Blister says

we decided pretty early on that for society to function and prosper we can't go around killing everyone and doing whatever we wanted

We all happened to agree that murder, r*ape, robbery, fraud, infidelity etc are wrong? How did we all happen to agree?

Because humans work best as a pack and doing those things is not beneficial as a whole just to yourself

The advancement of self is all, darwin said, that is necessary.

Working as part of a group has your best interest at heart. You wont have to work as hard to have shelter, food, water and companionship if you abide by being in the pack