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Official Metal Detecting Thread

almost 9 years

I will post my finds here.

P.S. don't post unless u got cargo pants on

almost 9 years
Nice!!! maybe someday I will find something cool like that. I just needed another hobby besides watching sp0rts
deletedalmost 9 years
someone took a metal detector to my parents yard and found revolutionary war era bullets and coins
almost 9 years
What was the investment
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
good work
almost 9 years
Today's Finds:

1 penny
1 dime
lots of cans
some trash
half of a box cutter
1 fishing luer

estimated value: 11 cents
return on investment: <1%
deletedalmost 9 years
Good ol' BBB
almost 9 years
Check me please
almost 9 years