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I've lost like 400 games so far

deletedalmost 9 years

and like almost all of them came from jealous mafia N1'ing me because they know I'm really good at scumhunting

Like I just think it's not fair that If I get n1'ed and the town loses, I get a loss. I didn't even say a word in the game, I didn't even vote, nothing. It should be like, unranked for me right? Totally!

Like, I wan't an Apple Pie, not a Period Pie.

N1 killed = Unranked for you
3 signed
We shouldn't take responsibility for town's lack of Scumhunting skills! #ApplePieNOTPeriodPie - Spread the Tag!
deletedalmost 9 years
you can probably see why I signed this
almost 9 years
We shouldn't take responsibility for town's lack of Scumhunting skills! #ApplePieNOTPeriodPie - Spread the Tag!
deletedalmost 9 years
every topic is serious if you try hard enough
almost 9 years
that awkward moment when germatron thinks this topic is serious
deletedalmost 9 years
This is very true. But we have to live with it.
deletedalmost 9 years
complains about being fearkilled n1

makes partner change vote to fearkill me n1
almost 9 years
It's like the 400th time this is proposed, and for the 401st time the answer will be:

You dying influenced the game. YOU didn't, but you DYING did.

Even if you were BLUE, you being n1'd avoided some pr was n1'd.

If you were a PR, then you infuenced the game even more (as bomb, you killed a mafia, as oracle, you revealed someone, as cop you gave an advantage to mafia etc...)

So no, you still take the loss even if you're n1'd.
deletedalmost 9 years
I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!