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oh my god a snk and vilden ama pt2

deletedalmost 9 years

new account edition

deletedover 8 years
he places above
over 8 years

Zhuorb says

vilden do you place yourself above a forum moderator or below one

deletedover 8 years
i would fist fight myself
over 8 years
krystalk lol

or awnyy
deletedover 8 years
if u could get into a fist fight with any user who would it be
deletedover 8 years

vilden says

i played starcraft2 and it had a mafia custom game. then my brother introduced me to this site

Holy sh*t that's where I was first introduced to mafia as well dude. Except I moved on to play mafia on several other forums
over 8 years
i played starcraft2 and it had a mafia custom game. then my brother introduced me to this site

this is my brother's acc
deletedover 8 years
because i wanted a replacement for's slasher
why did u join edicmafic
over 8 years

Why did you join epicmafia?
over 8 years

cozy says

opinion of pamda :D

i like pamda. it's too bad she left em. she always upclicked my comments and laughed at my jokes and stuff
over 8 years

vilden says

cozy says

opinion pls~

you sound like a baby kitten or something

over 8 years
opinion of pamda :D
over 8 years

cozy says

opinion pls~

you sound like a baby kitten or something
over 8 years
opinion of annajane:

you are nice on the outside but colder on the inside. you're overly sensitive to the point it makes you behave a certain way just for appearances
over 8 years
opinion pls~
over 8 years

sweetnkind says

jack says

whatcha drinking

everclear LOL

niiiiiiiice thats a fun road to go down
deletedover 8 years

jack says

whatcha drinking

everclear LOL
over 8 years

harodihg says

Does that make me a dinghy? Please tell me your innermost and vile thoughts about me as a person

as a person i don't really think anything vile about you or anyone on this site. did you expect a certain criticism?
over 8 years
whatcha drinking
deletedover 8 years

sweetnkind says

Japter says

what are you fave things about yourselves

everything, and also my eye color

can we swap eyes
deletedover 8 years

Japter says

what are you fave things about yourselves

everything, and also my eye color
deletedover 8 years

sweetnkind says

harodihg says

what's the vilden x sweetnkind ship name? is it sweetden?

we decided we r a uboat rather than a ship

haha omg sweden is perf
deletedover 8 years
what are you fave things about yourselves
deletedover 8 years

annajane says

opinionate me

u were an admin and we spoke for like .3 secs in a group chat but u were cool we shuld talk more
deletedover 8 years
a canoe