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Forum Mafia 15

deletedalmost 9 years

                                        It is endgame. Mafia wins.


Mechanics/ Sample Role PM:

Deadline and Procedure:

Special notes:

deletedalmost 9 years
this is like that resistance game we played where you knew i was mafia, except this time i'm the obvious town
deletedalmost 9 years
that you're voting me and saying that outside of me you'd lynch ripple lol
deletedalmost 9 years
What's making you tell me what my reads are, fucko?
deletedalmost 9 years
what's making you flip on connor
deletedalmost 9 years
Outside of you, I wouldn't object to lynching Ripple at this point. But I'd lynch you over her any day.
deletedalmost 9 years
if people see i'm town this game is autowin why would i not clear myself when i'm clear hahahahaha
deletedalmost 9 years
my push on you is based on connor, n1ed, impoetic and me being town and ripple/gerry not seeming like a team from the way they keep talking about how they're never a team. your interaction with gerry at the end of the day actually makes ripple a better lynch but none of you are gonna lynch her
deletedalmost 9 years

justdance666 says

scum doesn't benefit from a no lynch, what are you talking about? we're just put at odd numbers with two confirmed town after the doc death, what possible reason would i have to not take the mislynch? saying that i would and then not doing it should make me even more town

Well wow-ie, it doesn't and you're not. Good to see your strategy is still to towncase yourself at every possible opportunity you get and make every possible move you can to seem towny.
deletedalmost 9 years

N1ed says

mist says

Because I don't see you playing this abysmally as town. This push is literally the worst I've ever seen. No exaggeration there.

including my d1 push?

lol okay

Yes, including your day one push. His push on me is literally based a hugely circumstantial assumption i already disproved and he never even addressed it, and the fact that I asked the mod a question publicly.
deletedalmost 9 years
scum doesn't benefit from a no lynch, what are you talking about? we're just put at odd numbers with two confirmed town after the doc death, what possible reason would i have to not take the mislynch? saying that i would and then not doing it should make me even more town
deletedalmost 9 years

justdance666 says

if i were mafia with anyone besides connor i would take the opportunity to hammer him yesterday. if you were playing with any logic at all you would see that connor is entirely a better lynch than me

Well considering you said you would hammer Connor if he was at 4 votes and then didn't, I don't think this is a point in your favor. Scum benefits from a no lynch as well.
deletedalmost 9 years

mist says

Because I don't see you playing this abysmally as town. This push is literally the worst I've ever seen. No exaggeration there.

including my d1 push?

lol okay
deletedalmost 9 years
from your point of view, that is. i still think connor's town
deletedalmost 9 years
Rivaled only by your push on hedger, which was also dumpster tier in terms of logic & reasoning but town sheeped and nearly lynched him you because authoritative voice. You're doing the exact same thing and coming up with even stupider reasons to try and push me. I don't for a second believe you're town.
deletedalmost 9 years
if i were mafia with anyone besides connor i would take the opportunity to hammer him yesterday. if you were playing with any logic at all you would see that connor is entirely a better lynch than me
deletedalmost 9 years
i feel like we would've known if it were anything different than the conventional "two mafias meet and decide on a kill" type of thing, but I suppose it's an okay semantics question.

i had something else important to say but like yeah I think it's normal bud
deletedalmost 9 years
Because I don't see you playing this abysmally as town. This push is literally the worst I've ever seen. No exaggeration there.
deletedalmost 9 years
why do you believe that i'm a better vote than connor
deletedalmost 9 years
Your push on me continues to be complete garbage. You're grasping for reasons and it's honestly annoying as hell.
deletedalmost 9 years

justdance666 says

i don't buy all these dumbtells at all. you've modded, you know to pm the mod for mechanics questions

I'm asking publicly because I want a public answer, .
deletedalmost 9 years
i don't buy all these dumbtells at all. you've modded, you know to pm the mod for mechanics questions
deletedalmost 9 years

justdance666 says

yeah but they'd have to be there to confirm the kill

Not necessarily?

@mod Does one mafia make the kill or do both confirm & visit it?
deletedalmost 9 years

N1ed says

i love how mist is giving us all this information but it all sort of ironically points to her since she was the only one that knew about it LOL

Except, if I was scum I wouldn't be dumping this information at all. Jesus, do you people listen to yourselves?
deletedalmost 9 years
Anyway, the quick kill on UltraAug (ie scum submitted it very fast) means they saw the soft. I believe Gerry didn't see it. I'll look again to see for myself what UltraAug was saying yesterday to see if he softed a save, but I'm not gonna take your word for it that it was Impoetic.
deletedalmost 9 years
okay but yeah that statement was not well thought out

let me consider things in a minute