mist your play this game has been so fake that you have to be mafia jeez
mist plz you see thats stupid right
deletedover 8 years
i'm glad i wasn't the only one
deletedover 8 years
what, u think i actually read that game?
deletedover 8 years
it's one of those things where like
i have a decent amount of townreads
and apparently you're clearing N1ed
so let's lynch this guy. or I guess I could lynch Connor but Connor has just lurked while UltraAug has been actively scummy.
deletedover 8 years
compare that to the game you just modded though
deletedover 8 years
PoE/his play has been really awkward/no redeeming aspects of game
deletedover 8 years
why though
deletedover 8 years
p sure he's not
deletedover 8 years
i'm sort of concerned for reasons i'm not gonna talk about that we have 4 prs/3 mafia so i want to lynch right today
deletedover 8 years
5 is majority not 4 so. We are gonna need to agree on a vote eventually.
deletedover 8 years
konichiwa mist i believe that ultraaug is town!!!!!
deletedover 8 years
if you're referring to sonrio;
yes, but there's no reason to quickhammer a PR claim all the same.
uhm just wondering, someone probably said this but
wouldent mafia claim pr too
i mean
why wouldent they
I'm gonna do my own vote log cause half of retti's is wrong i think lol
justdance: Ripple?
Me: No one
Ultra: Mist?
Ripple: Connor
Connor: Justdance
N1ed: No one?
Mist: UltraAug
Impoetic: justdance
I THINK those are the votes.
deletedover 8 years
it turns an uncertain check between two people into a certain check on one person barring a godfather. it makes my ability into a better ability
Especially after he claimed PR.
deletedover 8 years
Or ian can be fake. Which I think is likely.
I don't know why you'd lynch your check. That just makes 0 sense to me in any situation.
going to guess here, uh
its probably because he thinks you are mafia
deletedover 8 years
Or ian can be fake. Which I think is likely.
retti disagrees
im going to stand by my memes mist
dank fmemes
deletedover 8 years
I was voting u awhile ago but ok
insert various omgus memes here
deletedover 8 years
I'm pretty freakin sure I voted UltraAug.
Vote UltraAug