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Surf's The Right Team for the Job

over 8 years

The Right Team for the Job


Season 1: The Right Team for the Job

  • Final Team - Alec, Cammy, jetio4, Snow
  • Other competitors - Voice (4-1), Happy0wns (4-1-1), cjn104 (6-1), IDGAF (3-2-2-1), KaoriMiyaz0n0 (4-3-1-1-1), Lumos (broken glasses), BoyBoom (6-1-1-1-1-1), TennisBallBFDI (5-3-2-1-1)
  • Final Challenge - COUNT TO 100
  • Result - SUCCESS

Season 2 - Coming soon!

over 8 years
Congratulations to the team for winning Season 1 of The Right Team for the Job! Alec, Cammy, jetio4, and Snow succeeded in the final challenge of COUNT TO 100! Congratulations also to the teammates that did not participate in the final challenge - Voice, Happy0wns, cjn104, IDGAF, KaoriMiyaz0n0, Lumos, BoyBoom, and TennisBallBFDI. You all may not have gotten all the glory, but you share in the victory with your team!