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Cheater Database

over 8 years

gold hearts or pre-gold heart implementation only

hi. this is a thread. it's hard to keep up with who's cheated so i'm making a list. i'll add a few names that come to mind but if you've cheated please post in this thread and i'll add you. you can also post the name of someone else who has cheated. i want to make this comprehensive so please don't hold anything back

current list: Satan, Slow, Gerry, abc, Calvin, Edark, Shamzy, Devante, Togepi, JimSpermWorm, leo, Blister, Zhuorb, sineadiio, prevail, Anthony, poser, Delicate, Jill, AlSharpton, Rednose, Weareking, DrJackShephard, Kerry, LaurieRose, RoughNightBro, Acintris, xJade, Antidote, caroline, CoryInDaHouse, battletechies, mtvesuvius, Kelly, WhiteWind, kassavetova, grandukeofowls, arlian, kawarimi, Rawrwarrior, Zwink, D3xTr0m3th0rph4n, Private, vedarshi, Wonderland, Betrayal, Arcbell, Heisenberg, lumice, expose, bluefish, ScubaSteve, b0oty, pranay7744, Mori, Nessamaria, happyowns, riotkiller, matt12, betmen, erica, kassa, BearGuru, cirno, Fruitoftheloom, arianna, charley, Slow, PetermhShini, JepoJ, Tigerawr, Misslongstockings, Madhatter48, Konata, Female, Shrub, Minecraftfangirlftw, BigBadBoy, Jono69, NeverMaf, Body/AdBlock, Warbird1500, Ookkies/Euniit group, ruse group, LaxBro69, Monkanej, LeeSin, GoldenPony, Ohaialex, Templar1990, Discordia, Terra, ling, futureblargg, Ethereal, RAWR, seanman, johnreid, anteup, Kradar, Kyledemort64, thEye, drysc, shivv, endorphins, rawrr, mau, fading, ordelman, inspector, TimTebow, data, noshirtman, SarahTwilight

future cheaters: totori, ThirdAug, Himiki, Gerry

over 8 years

moon says

Lux says

Lux says

Shut up lol do u get that the "threat" is in a position where they themselves can rule on whether they are a "threat" or not.


cheaters werent modded b4 bc their integrity is questionable, but apparently now when someones admittedly disreputable its ok!!

I don't think either of them should've been modded for a variety of reasons if that helps

I feel targeted
over 8 years
I'm pretty sure it said "gelbooru" after like every second search.
over 8 years

Edark says

JimSpermWorm says

Retti wants me to post this:

Wasnt this sammies search history?

Some of it.
over 8 years

Lux says

Lux says

Shut up lol do u get that the "threat" is in a position where they themselves can rule on whether they are a "threat" or not.


cheaters werent modded b4 bc their integrity is questionable, but apparently now when someones admittedly disreputable its ok!!

I don't think either of them should've been modded for a variety of reasons if that helps
over 8 years

JimSpermWorm says

Retti wants me to post this:

Wasnt this sammies search history?
over 8 years
Retti wants me to post this:

over 8 years

ejaz says

Lux says

Shut up lol do u get that the "threat" is in a position where they themselves can rule on whether they are a "threat" or not.

who was this directed to?

u LOL yikes
deletedover 8 years

Lux says

Shut up lol do u get that the "threat" is in a position where they themselves can rule on whether they are a "threat" or not.

who was this directed to?
over 8 years
i'm still grieving over my good, dead friend cirno and the amount of pain he went through getting hit by bus after bus.
deletedover 8 years

Calvin says

groundhogday says

leo sent a message to groundhogday 1m 34s ago
« Back Reply
mori absolutely cheated

she spammed the last mafia in skype w/ me. it was 3-way when i was clear

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?

who was this

is this the same person you told me about all those months ago leo
over 8 years
yo jimbei whats ur deal whyd u neg my post
over 8 years
I think everyone needs to shut up about children fiddling children and instead focus on the task at hand: getting Cirno off the list.
over 8 years
Please remove Cirno from the list.
over 8 years

Lux says

Shut up lol do u get that the "threat" is in a position where they themselves can rule on whether they are a "threat" or not.


cheaters werent modded b4 bc their integrity is questionable, but apparently now when someones admittedly disreputable its ok!!
deletedover 8 years

groundhogday says

leo sent a message to groundhogday 1m 34s ago
« Back Reply
mori absolutely cheated

she spammed the last mafia in skype w/ me. it was 3-way when i was clear

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?

who was this
over 8 years
wheres sonseray he'd have a field day with this list
over 8 years
leo sent a message to groundhogday 1m 34s ago
« Back Reply
mori absolutely cheated

she spammed the last mafia in skype w/ me. it was 3-way when i was clear

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
over 8 years
Do you guys think howl was a pedo?
deletedover 8 years
Keep at it Ed, this is your deciding factor if you're a good human being or not
over 8 years
well you gave mist a chuckle

i guess you're good in my books
over 8 years
Lol. I see
over 8 years
because mist is not a cheater. mist just wants people to think she's a cheater
over 8 years

Mana says

Edark isn't taking a stand because he's a coward

Actually Im getting some information before I blabber on
over 8 years
And seanman
over 8 years
Im esl I can't speak