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Pokemon Go

about 8 years

its out but I ran out of data so rip

almost 8 years
I've been in Japan for two and a half weeks and still have yet to find a Farfetch'd.

4 days remain...
almost 8 years

i went to australia just to catch this mother fricker
about 8 years
The greatest thing this app did was give a bunch of unsuspecting needs criminal records for trespassing

There goes ur dreams of being lawyers and politicians lol
about 8 years
i think it's sort of like minecraft... everyone got sucked into it because it's a novel concept, but then most people got bored. but those who did keep playing did so because they have some personal investment in the game (such as trying to get all 151, getting all the highest numbers, or just meeting people and bonding)
about 8 years
lack of gameplay updates and shallow depth of the concept has unfortunately killed off the long-term success

coulda been so much more than it is.. sad :\

still a good excuse to exercise, but not as big of a socializing platform as it was two weeks ago
about 8 years
the hype has died
about 8 years
about 8 years
I caught 4 hitmonchans when I went to my brother's house. Two separate houses on his street had cop cars outside of them arresting someone. I didn't think y'all weren't serious LOL
about 8 years
which fkin idiot though hitmontop was gen 1
deletedabout 8 years
Hitmontop is not gen I...
about 8 years

apollo says

u probably on the whitest part of south side lmao

I'm actually in and around multiple hoods every day. There arent that many white neighborhoods around here
deletedabout 8 years
u probably on the whitest part of south side lmao
about 8 years

apollo says

one of the most densely populated african american neighborhoods that's also the most dangerous one in the south side of chicago has the highest amount of hitmonlee/hitmontop/hitmonchamp spawns in the country

im all over the south side of chicago and i've seen none of them
about 8 years

mindful says

I found mew yesterday and it was overwhelming

about 8 years

Vedd says

>girl nidorino

about 8 years
Me and my mates have been taking it in turns to drive each night, and after they dropped me off the other night they found a Hitmonchan up by the university. One of them was gutted for like 2 days solid because he lost all of his pokeballs trying to catch a pidgey just before I went home.
about 8 years
I found mew yesterday and it was overwhelming
about 8 years

apollo says

you literally have to avoid getting murdered to catch a hitmonlee

I found my Hitmonlee randomly in my local grocery store.
about 8 years
Meanwhile, I saw one at the theatre.
deletedabout 8 years
you literally have to avoid getting murdered to catch a hitmonlee
about 8 years

apollo says

i caught a magmar yesterday

I had one run away from me yesterday at 1400. Livid.
deletedabout 8 years
one of the most densely populated african american neighborhoods that's also the most dangerous one in the south side of chicago has the highest amount of hitmonlee/hitmontop/hitmonchamp spawns in the country
about 8 years
I dont get how so many people have like multiple evolutions of Eevee. I guess they aren't that common in my area

I was finally able to evolve one today. From playing the game the entire lifespan

And for the record, I managed to find Hitmonlee, Ekans, 3 Jigglypuffs, a Gloom, a Poliwhirl and a Snorlax before finding my first Eevee
about 8 years

My Arcanine has held that gym for 2 days. Lad.
deletedabout 8 years
>girl nidorino