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Circle: Season 1

deletedabout 8 years

Last night, I hosted my first game of Circle! The game had 23 players, and relative to the other times Circle has been hosted, it was a success! The game was very fun to host, despite there being a bit controversy that I will go into later.

Rules to the circle can be found here:

Highlights of the Game

  • The chaos in the early game. Just like in the movie, when there were several players the game was very chaotic. No one was really safe, and it was kind of hilarious to watch. When the numbers dwindled down, the game became more orderly.

  • The witch-hunt for who was voting. In the mid-game, many players wanted to decide who leaves, meaning that no one could cast any votes. However, every round several people were voting. This became apparent to the players when one of the votes came out as a tie, and chaos ensued.

  • The cheating controversy. I know this isn't a highlight really, but I should talk about it. There were some accusations that some players were skyping or getting information from the graveyard. I understand this is partially my fault, because I didn't check the "No spectating" box, AND this game is hard to control cheating, but it saddens me that people would ruin the spirit of the game and resort to cheating. Other than this, the game was very fun to host!

Summary of the Game

The game started with 23 players, and each round one player was voted to be executed. Also, some people suicided and vegged, which is okay because it happened in the movie. Here is the order of executions:


Krista stepped out of her circle and died.

Evtopz received the majority of votes and was executed.

Matt stepped out of his circle and died.

HalseyMartinez stepped out of his circle and died.


Evolpz received the majority of votes and was executed.

SociallyAwkwardBee stepped out of her circle and died.


UltraAug received the majority of votes and was executed.


N1ed received the majority of votes and was executed.


CringeCarry received the majority of votes and was executed.

Cat3101 stepped out of her circle and died.


Ayush1234567 received the majority of votes and was executed.


Sports123492 received the majority of votes and was executed.


A tie between Clockwise and Tartosis occurs. On the revote, Tartosis received the majority of votes and was executed.


Laxuy received the majority of votes and was executed.


Cjn104 received the majority of votes and was executed.


Nattless received the majority of votes and was executed.


Ideal stepped out of his circle and died.

Nooby received the majority of votes and was executed.


Clockwise26 received the majority of votes and was executed.


Chuchu0 received the majority of votes and was executed.


A tie between JeffreyAaron, Minecraftfangirlftw, and TerraNova occurs. On the revote, Minecraftfangirlftw received the majority of votes and was executed.


JeffreyAaron sacrificed his life for TerraNova

TerraNova survived the Circle!

Would you want to play this again?
deletedabout 8 years
this was a really cool concept and game, so im gonna attempt to give my opinion on it, please bare with me

the game ran really smoothly and, for the most part, accurately, so in the hosting aspect there isn't much to say

as to how the game played out, i really liked the initial chaos, BUT i noticed a lot of people were spamming. i think a possible way to combat this is to give out strikes in a way, which represent the circle making a loud noise when you touch someone or step out. after enough strikes, you're executed and gg. something like that to enforce the rules would definitely help for those people that spam (including me) to get their point across in early game.

the bribery rule wasn't a huge problem, but ANY talk of what you're going to do with the tokens should be disallowed.

im kind of on the fence about not revealing whether the kill is from voters or im not sure if the movie sheds any light on this, but i thought i remembered a part where no one votes, the circle glows, and someone random dies. either way, i believe it was different from when people voted someone out. i guess thats the hosts choice.

also another rule should be no talking once you die, because you're dead (duh).

im not really sure what else i had to say other than the anonymous idea. im not sure how it would work, but an anonymous game would probably get rid of some of the meta that took effect.

okay im gonna stop now
deletedabout 8 years
i remember when i got 5th

goot tiems
about 8 years
i'm a guy and i shouldn't have watched the movie while playing
deletedabout 8 years
Bump :