story time
my girlfriend and i work at the same ice cream shop . we were both hired roughly 2 weeks ago . the owners are two very staunchly catholic 70-something yr olds and they don't know that my gf and i are friends let alone dating (4 obvious reasons!!).
flash forward to tnight at 7:30 pm . gf had a 5 hour shift and was feeling crappy so i decided to visit her. when i got there, 1 of the owners was inside, so i pretended like i just needed to check the schedule and casually said hi to gf.
my boss pulls me to the side and says "excuse me can i talk to u for a minute? are those hickeys?" unfortunately my gf is a 13 year old named dahvie vanity and , yes , they are hickeys. i tried to cover them up w/ concealer but nOT ENOUGH!!! APPARENTLY :) :) :)
my boss says "ill have to let u go if i ever see that again. warn your boyfriend next time" and im like "ok ma'am im so sorry ill warn him:""
meanwhile my gf is standing ~5 ft away watching this entire interaction
in conclusion, can someone please butcher me alive