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Bojack Horseman

over 8 years

the best show on television just got the best season of 2016

deletedover 8 years
Do you like Bojack Horseman so much, Sims, because you can relate to him on a personal level?
over 8 years
After the first episode, I was kinda just like, 'well it's worth watching but I'm not overly fond of it or anything.'

By the end of Season 1 it was established as one of my favourite ever shows.
over 8 years
i literally fell asleep for episodes 2-4 of season 1 and when i woke up it turned out to be my favorite show ever

every episode is better than the last, season 1 included
deletedover 8 years
Episode 1 of Season 1 complete

was good
deletedover 8 years
I watched 3 episodes of season 1 to see what the fuss was about
I was surprisingly impressed
over 8 years
Great season, but I feel that season 2 ends way better tho
over 8 years
I dont get how the writers manages to switch tone from serious feels to comedy within seconds without losing the sincereity. Its sorta like Futurama does it, but with even more feels.
deletedover 8 years
can wholeheartedly recommend season 1
deletedover 8 years
im on episode 3 now, it looks promising
deletedover 8 years
I am going to start this show tonight
over 8 years
this show has a streak of having great episode 11s and season 3's just blew the other two out of the water
over 8 years
The music in episode 4 was freaking amazing. N the ending lmao.
over 8 years

Edark says

hell remembering the ending of season 2 made me feel so many feels fk

over 8 years
hell remembering the ending of season 2 made me feel so many feels fk
over 8 years

caroline says

is this show really /that/ good?????

deletedover 8 years
is this show really /that/ good?????
over 8 years
People in this thread have good taste.
over 8 years
I just saw the short summary of season 2 and Im so emotional. This show is so good and its time to watch it I cant contain my hype.
over 8 years
episode 7 is probably my second favorite episode of the season so far. i watched 5-8 today, and am gonna watch 9-12 tomorrow to finish. so far it's definitely living up to my expectations
over 8 years
already renewed for season 4. exciting, i just hope they don't drag it out for too long. i trust the writers to pull the plug when it's the right time though
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
episode 4 is absolutely hands down one of the best pieces of television ever created
over 8 years

Sims says

episode 4 of the new season is the best episode of anything i have ever seen in my entire life ever. a milestone in animation

my friend just finished ep 4 and said similar praise, i watched ep 1 earlier and plan on watching at least 4 episodes tonight
over 8 years
episode 4 of the new season is the best episode of anything i have ever seen in my entire life ever. a milestone in animation