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Project Runway Sign-up

over 8 years

Welcome to Project Runway. In this first season the contestants will compete against each other.

The game is very simple. The judges and I will give the clothing category and the contestant will find the clothes from any clothing website such as, Zara, HM, etc. (The judges & I will give the instructions when the game starts!)

For example, the theme would be "The decorated t-shirt" and one of the contestants post 3 sets - IGNORE UGLY SHIRTS, THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE! You can give diff three links for the clothes set.

Please sign up to join the contest by simply making a comment and say you're interested and I will add you to the list.

deletedover 8 years
I would like to play here is my outfit.

deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years

Bigpock says

What ever u want me to do

over 8 years
ill join :doge: need some weeb up in here
deletedover 8 years
What ever u want me to do
deletedover 8 years

Escurai says

Forrest says

I'm terrible with fashion and going to lose but sign me up anyway.

I'll be one of those excruciatingly bad contestants that's on the show just to cause drama and draw in viewers just because of how ridiculous I am.

do you wanna give matching outfits as our entries?

Sounds like a plan. We can theme our designs like Team Rocket or something
over 8 years

Forrest says

I'm terrible with fashion and going to lose but sign me up anyway.

I'll be one of those excruciatingly bad contestants that's on the show just to cause drama and draw in viewers just because of how ridiculous I am.

do you wanna give matching outfits as our entries?
deletedover 8 years
I'm terrible with fashion and going to lose but sign me up anyway.

I'll be one of those excruciatingly bad contestants that's on the show just to cause drama and draw in viewers just because of how ridiculous I am.
over 8 years

Bigpock says

im not reading the op cuz tipsy but ill do what ever sway

so you're going to play?
deletedover 8 years
im not reading the op cuz tipsy but ill do what ever sway
over 8 years
guys sign up plz thx pretty ppl
over 8 years
this is basically Pintrest the game

that said, i want to play
over 8 years
sign me up!
over 8 years
Sign me up to play fam