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Cinna's Records

about 8 years

To save records of my hosted games!

almost 8 years
Congratulations to Lelmoo winning 2-1 against Sansruse in my BB! The placements are as follows:

1st: Lelmoo
2nd: Sansruse
3rd: Dariukas47
4th: karthidkchamp
5th: avi1996
6th: karthikbk
7th: LucasPoint (veg)
8th: rpsdivine

Thanks for playing, everyone! It was a small fun game that involved lucky numbers.

A doc of the game is here for anyone to read, with funny notes included:
almost 8 years
7th, October 2016:

Congratulations to hedger winning 2-1 against XXNicoleXX in BB: Snitched! Whoever got Town Crier was given a prompt: they would out possible F2s / alliances each day, creating chaos and hilarity all throughout the game!

1st: hedger
2nd: XXNicoleXX
3rd: nattless (hedger)
4th: Dariukas47 (hedger)
5th: Spruance, the Town Crier (XXNicoleXX)
6th: coolkidrox123
7th: Moomo
8th: JellofishXD

A doc for the game can be found here
deletedabout 8 years

cinnanie says

VWXYZ says

wannabe cody

pls you're a wannabe cody you're his mentee

Tru :(
about 8 years

VWXYZ says

wannabe cody

pls you're a wannabe cody you're his mentee
deletedabout 8 years
wannabe cody
about 8 years
9th, September 2016:

Congratulations to Nathan winning 3-0 against powerdeath, in my BB: Doctor Time! It was a small 8 player BB game with challenges centered on medicine and health. It's a fitting finish, for the winner is a medical student.

JellofishXD assumed the role of the doctor and had a few patients to look after throughout the game.

3rd: JellofishXD, the Doctor
4th: Kathryn
5th: Creeam
6th: nattless
7th: hedger
8th: Nigelb
about 8 years
28th, August 2016:

Congratulations to JohnBatman for winning 4-1 against Jinho in BB: Romeo and Juliet's Story! Lukageo and Jinho were Romeo and Juliet in the game. It was an emotional game, albeit a stressful and tense one.

Noticeably, there was a day both Lukageo (Romeo) and Jinho (Juliet) were put on block together, so Romeo himself won the PoV and saved Juliet instead of himself. After that, Juliet played the vengeance game all way through and lasted to F2.

1st: JohnBatman
2nd: Jinho, Juliet
3rd: Otherscott (JohnBatman)
4th: Creeam (JohnBatman)
5th: Corydonut (Fuschia/JohnBatman)
6th: Lukageo, Romeo (Jinho)
7th: Dariukas47 (JohnBatman)
8th: Syngularity
9th: sineadiio
10th: Kai
about 8 years
24th, August 2016:

Congratulations to hedger for winning 3-1 against nattless in my BB: The Virgin's Revenge game! *4-1 if Juror Harrold took Halsey's place.

HalseyMartinez was the Virgin, so if she got out, hell would be unleashed on the people who reach F3. On one special night, the Virgin picked nattless as the champion of the goddess of the moon.

Thanks for playing everyone! It was an emotional and drama-filled game, especially for the players!

1st: hedger
2nd: nattless
3rd: PotatoPlayer (hedger)
4th: Bedomp (hedger)
5th: HalseyMartinez, the Virgin
6th: Dariukas47 (hedger)
7th: JohnBatman (nattless)

8th: matt
9th: Soluciones
10th: cosmoiswatching
about 8 years
22nd, August 2016:

Congratulations to VWXYZ for winning 4-1 against Hostt (coolkidrox123) in my BB: Dethrone the Celebrity! game.

Hedger was the Celebrity and had power on the game on many aspects! Orchid was his Beloved. Unfortunately, the Celebrity and his Beloved were voted out back to back pre-jury. Thanks to VWXYZ, the celebrity has been avenged!

It was an exciting game with a lot of twists and had a strong cast of players! Thanks for playing, despite my occasional hiccups hosting!


3rd: JohnBatman (VWXYZ)
4th: nattless (VWXYZ)
5th: qrstuv (VWXYZ)
6th: powerofdeath (VWXYZ)
7th: Firestone (Hostt)

8th: Dariukas47
9th: Hedger / Matt / Alise
10th: Orchid
11th: shrimptempura / Lunzies
12th: PotatoPlayer / Soluciones
about 8 years
My placements in your games: 4th/3rd/3rd

We're switching our traditional places in the games the other one hosts.
about 8 years
21st August, 2016:

Congratulations to klfeef35 for winning 2-1 against HalseyMartinez in my short Cinnavivor! For a small survivor game, it was extremely packed with drama and tension.

3rd: Unionist aka JohnBatman (HalseyMartinez)
4th: expose (klfeef35)
5th: PotatoPlayer (klfeef35)
6th: N1ed (lost to rocks; HalseyMartinez & expose were the tied votes)
7th: Cody
8th: SociallyAwkwardBee
about 8 years
20th August, 2016:

Congratulations to Cody for winning my very first BB against HalseyMartinez in a 3-0 sweep! It went incredibly well for my first hosting and I'm grateful to those who stayed with me all through and enjoyed the game! <3

This game had a few twists; whoever got Celebrity would be able to pick a challenge for HoH on their selected day. If a Miller got lynched, we'd play their challenge for HoH on the next day. Zero was Celebrity and LHarney was Miller.

3rd: Zero
4th: JohnBatman
5th: Meow
6th: LHarney
7th: Dariukas47
8th: Soluciones