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LoL Summoner Names

deletedover 8 years

Ok I see there was one for NA players but none for EUW or for other servers so post your name and server below and I'll add you to the list, This way you can find other EM users who play on your server.

Format is Epicmafia name - Summoner Name


Ucklar - Ucklar
alice143dez - shinpaiyo
TeamRocketGrunt - DaQueenBeyonce
VWXYZ - XxSuckiTxX
Sports123492 - OG Jinxed
keri - shinypaws
Furry - resumed
sammy - im jerking it
Dandelo - Drill
Nikki - Sentimental
Cammy - cammywoop
HolmieG - Lubb
UsernamePending - UsrnamePending (Also on EUW & OCE)
kev - nvdr
juke - Cupîd Stunt
Seros - Serosia


Escurai - Bazzo
HelloImDenis - itsfinishing mom xPooky - WingsofLife1
Wunderkind - Giexa
Solux - Airstrom
soniea - Soniea
Vedd - TronV
DouradaGrelhada - DouradaGrelhada
LOLOMGWTF - Deathofpain
juke - Negxtive/ Syndra is Thicc


XPooky - StillLost
Wunderkind - Giexa
LOLOMGWTF - Stuck on Mars


coolkidrox123 - coolkidrox123
jonhreid - Chipotle
lilac - chamomiles

If your server is not on here, post which server and your details and I'll add it to the list, not sure if anyone plays on the others.

Which Server do you play on?
about 8 years
They should make 2 leagues: We compete against Koreans all year league and a no Korean league.
about 8 years
na, sentimental
deletedabout 8 years

mandevian says

I dont understand this

It's a thread for people who play leagueoflegends to post their summoner names and they can play with other em users if they want
deletedabout 8 years
LoL is for bots real gamers play CS:GO
about 8 years
I dont understand this
about 8 years
Drill- NA
I was diamond like 3 seasons ago add me and i might boost you 10 tokens per promo
about 8 years
about 8 years
Chipotle - oce
about 8 years

sammy says

im jerking it - NA

shame you're on NA with such a good name
deletedabout 8 years
im jerking it - NA
about 8 years
After trolling, I am now legitimately on EUW as itsJuicy.
deletedover 8 years
my name is iwannakmslolsucksdickimstillbronze5
deletedover 8 years
Plat IV Deathofpain EUW
Plat IV Stuck on Mars EUNE
over 8 years
"resumed" on na :)
over 8 years
NA - shinypaws

please boost me
over 8 years
Wow, how could you betray a good friend like that?!
deletedover 8 years
its okay guys i got this!
his been lying all this time !!!!
over 8 years

Saika says

xJuicy says

Dude wtf I even voted in the poll.

omg stop lying ;_; i tried to add you 3 times....

So keen.
deletedover 8 years

xJuicy says

Dude wtf I even voted in the poll.

omg stop lying ;_; i tried to add you 3 times....
over 8 years
Dude wtf I even voted in the poll.
deletedover 8 years

xJuicy says

Ayd says

xJuicy says

Saika says

xJuicy says

EUW - xJuicyYo

i just tried to add you but it doesnt work !!

Nobody else has had this problem.

I also tried, Link your Op.GG or Lolking profile or add me or I'm going to remove you from the list.

No don't remove me. I'll fix it when I'm out of work.

Temporarily removed you from the list until you can verify your account.
over 8 years
Who are you? I'm not trolling you melt.
over 8 years
Cabin why would he lie wth
deletedover 8 years

xJuicy says

Ayd says

xJuicy says

Saika says

xJuicy says

EUW - xJuicyYo

i just tried to add you but it doesnt work !!

Nobody else has had this problem.

I also tried, Link your Op.GG or Lolking profile or add me or I'm going to remove you from the list.

No don't remove me. I'll fix it when I'm out of work.

stop trolling lmfao
over 8 years
me all alone in oceaniaiaiaiaiai T_T nathan join me!