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Nat's Song Thread

about 8 years

Hi All,

I saw deandean do something similar to this, and really liked the idea so thought I'd give it a go, seeing as my ipod keeps throwing songs at me that remind me of you lovely people :-)

If you would like me to find a song that makes me think of you, post here and I'll do my best to let you know which song and why.


(thanks deandean for the inspiration!)

Additional note: Probably should have warned you in advance that I have an obscure taste in music :-/

over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
welp, will wait those 6+ months to have a song myself :)
over 7 years
but ur almost to me pls
over 7 years
okay i'm up to HardCarry time to leave this thread for another 6 months
over 7 years

snowieball says

Hohoho :)

Milky Chance - Blossom


You're not around as much anymore, but when you do pop in it's always enough to make my day. You were one of my first friends in the lobby, and you were always so nice, and open and friendly. It's always a pleasure to speak to you, and your bubbly personality is very missed.
I chose this song because it simply makes me happy. It is so catchy, the lyrics are awesome, and the melody is just really cool whilst still being a super chill song!

miss you!! <3
over 7 years

SirPerior says

I'm always up for some new music, but excessive swearing is a huge turn off for me.

Andy Shauf - Early to the Party

Hi Sirps, I have super mixed feelings about you, so I'm not sure how nice or nasty this is going to come across, but I do promise to be honest. Whilst I think that for the most part you have good intentions, and that you aren't malicious about anyone in the lobby, I also think you're the kind of person who expects attention to be thrown on you without you really doing a great deal to earn it. You're entitled about a lot of things, which can make you frustrating to speak to, and you are extremely good at playing the victim. You rarely play survivor, but when you do you're quick to point out all the awful things that have happened in your previous games, without making an effort to get to know people, and then you get upset when people don't stick with you. That being said, I don't think you're an inherently bad person. You're definitely misguided, and I think sometimes you act without thinking.

I was really hurt by the stunt you pulled earlier this year. You specifically mentioned getting voted out in a 'big game' in the original thread you posted, and as the person who nominated you and then chose to evict you, I don't quite think you (or anyone) grasped quite how much seeing that affected me at the time, and for a long time afterwards. But I don't think it was on your radar at the time, which I understand completely.

I chose this song because it seemed fitting. It's slow and quirky, and the lyrics seemed appropriate.
over 7 years

Dariukas47 says


Nothing But Thieves - Honey Whiskey

Dari :-) I think you can be a super up and down person, sometimes you're incredibly nice and sweet. You were one of my first friends in this lobby and I remember how you always made the effort to say hi, ask me how i was doing, and remember the little things, like if i was unwell etc. This is the side of you I absolutely love, and always look forward to seeing. Sometimes though, you can be a little bit rougher; saying things in the heat of the moment, and not being quite as considerate. I chose this song because I think it's a bit like that, it's really lovely and nice, but it has it's flaws. They aren't enough to make you dislike it or anything, just enough to make you pause and remember that it has the capacity to be super lovely.
over 7 years
Okay I'm probably not gonna do all of these,
but i'll try and continue it until I give up again :-)

deandean says

I mean, I appreciate the shoutout!

Holy Holy - That Message

Dean! I think you're a super misunderstood person, partially because the way you express yourself is so up and down, and partially because you're super open, but it's not until someone actually gets to know you that they recognise your wonderful qualities. When I was in a bad space you were one of the only people who messaged me constantly, checking in, and making sure everything was alright. You're such a wonderful friend and I'm so pleased to have you in my life.

I chose this song because it has ups and downs, but the lyrics really resonated with me. I love this band, I've seen them live a couple of times, and every time you can just see that they mean every word they say, and it's all super meaningful to them. That's kind of like you.. You don't say things you don't mean, and you don't feel the need to sugar coat things. It's no Ice Cream by Muscles, but it reminded me of you nonetheless :-)
over 7 years
Ohh.. Are you still doing this? :P
over 7 years

HardCarry says

Hey remember when this thread existed.

No, actually.
over 7 years
Hey remember when this thread existed.
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
Don't do me again I'm sonia I was gonna troll but felt bad
almost 8 years

jack says


Half Moon Run - Call Me In The Afternoon

jack! You're an exceptionally difficult person to choose a song for, and I'm not certain that I've hit the mark here, so I might need to do a sneaky edit later! We have had a couple of chats in this lobby, and while I wouldn't say I know you super well, you've always been super nice and easygoing. You always have something hilarious to contribute, and I have a lot of time for our music chats. I discovered this band pretty randomly when I was out and they did a spontaneous gig a couple of years ago. I really dig their chilled vibes, and this song in particular is just so laid back, but fun to listen to. It reminded me of you because you strike me as the kind of person who prefers to keep the peace, it takes a lot to phase you, and you're super easy to talk to.
almost 8 years

annajane says

hi me pls!

Tkay Maidza ft. Killer Mike - Carry On

Hi annajane! Once again, you're someone I don't know super well, but I've had a few conversations with you in chat and in games. I see you as someone who always has something worthwhile to contribute, and it's always laced with your quirky sense of humour, which I find incredibly amusing. You seem like an incredibly strong willed person, who values their friends and will go above and beyond for them. I chose this song because I think it's super funky, incredibly strong and brings super positive vibes.
almost 8 years

ShadoNinjaX says


The Jungle Giants - Domesticated Man

Hiya ShadoNinjaX! We don't know each other super well, but I've seen you around posting on the forums and chilling in games. You always have lovely things to say, and you seem like a super nice person. This song is one of my old feel good favourites. It's one that you can't help but to tap your foot along to, and before long you find yourself dancing in the shower singing it at the top of your lungs :-).
almost 8 years

karthikbk says

Song me

Almost a month later I'm trying to pick this up again (sorry for the delay! Things have been a bit full on!)

Little Red - Rock It

Karth! You were one of the first people I met on epicmafia, and you have been one of the kindest people too. I have never met you in real life, but you strike me as the kind of person who would always be smiling. You're exceptionally kind, and one of the people who made me feel the most comfortable here in the survivor lobby, so thanks for that :-). This is a bit of an older song, but one that I have enjoyed since it was released! I chose this song because I think it's the kind of song that simply reeks of happiness, and can infuse joy into any situation.
deletedalmost 8 years
Again please c:
almost 8 years
same as sav tbh
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
go for it
almost 8 years
can i try
almost 8 years
I dont think you dont know me but i like music
almost 8 years
about 8 years
hmmm sure