monopoly needs to be here
Dead of Winter! <3 Plus I love the smaller co-op ones, like Forbidden Island, Forbidden Forest and Pandemic. PLUS I love the smaller filler games like Sushi Go, Hanabi, Love Letter and Coup. SO MANY GAMES TO LOVE!!! <3 <3
Rae says I enjoy a good game of Bang ;) Other wise my friends only ever wanna play with my bigger blacker....... box I love Bang :D it's guaranteed lulz every game.
deleted over 8 years
clue, since i love losing <3
i LOVE chess! if anyone would like to play chess -- please message me <3
I like Monopoly and Settlers of Catan. Also Chess, but I mean, that's a given, right?
deleted over 8 years
i think right now its Resistance o:
I enjoy a good game of Bang ;) Other wise my friends only ever wanna play with my bigger blacker....... box
deleted over 8 years
Dead of Winter
Munchkin and Dungeon Dice are pretty entertaining
also Fiasco (which is technically not a board game, but still a very good party game)
arkham horror, carcassonne, DOOM board game (it's fuŃking sick i tell ya), dixit
risk. who doesnt wanna rule the world by committing mass genocide of all of the other ppl who aren't your color
Betrayal at House on the Hill is awesome. Also Dark Moon.
I think Sorry is real fun for the littlest child. The joy and delight in her eyes when she draws a Sorry card and gets to choose which big sibling to get revenge on is truly something special.
Will you be my big brother
What a good, sacrificing brother
I'll tell you which one I hate: Sorry. I've played literal hundreds of games of that stupid never ending game because it's my baby sister's favorite.