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Beat My Score - Teams

over 8 years

Hello all! Welcome to my forum game - Beat My Score!

I will set up teams for you and other players and your goal is to beat the other teams' scores. You will play games from the websites like addictingames, etc! You guys will need Skype for communication!

You or your team win, you get a prize!


Prayag and Kai

Denial and Krystal

Schutz and Escurai

Bigpock and Goms

Pamda (ttm) and Roshni

Cody and Expose

Josh and Dylan

Jack and Sinead

Antikrist and Claire

Dawn and Tartosis

DEADLINE: Tuesday Midnight EST

1st Game Bubble Spinner - Winners: Tartois and Coolkidrox123

2nd Game - Line Bender



over 8 years
hi claire
over 8 years
dat last spot be mine <3
over 8 years
I need one more player!
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
I can accept more players less than two hours
deletedover 8 years

prayag says

i'll play

over 8 years
i'll play
over 8 years
this looks interesting ^^
over 8 years
hi i wanna play
over 8 years
Okay, I need 3 or 5 more players!
over 8 years
Hi I wanna play
deletedover 8 years
I'll join
over 8 years
sign up!
over 8 years
i will be inactive for two days or more so dont let me join
over 8 years
i thought this was going to say beat my score teabagging or something like that
deletedover 8 years

xJuicy says


over 8 years
over 8 years
Sounds cool.
over 8 years
denial fourth the dwarf rat
over 8 years
over 8 years
by my calculations you're third the nerd
over 8 years
not first
over 8 years
is the worst
deletedover 8 years