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what's your favorite class, so far?

over 8 years

I'm really liking my Philosophy of Mind course (PHI 532). It's ontological and but the teacher YELLED at me for bringing up Liebnizian Monadology. it is safe to say (from an experience which iam NOT exaggerating) that Marxists are fighting to keep the True truth of Real reality out of higher education. i can confirm the theoretical, practical, and actual validity of ~Monadology~ as a n3 unCC'd freemason. so, well, you heard it here first, folks

deletedover 8 years
Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos
over 8 years
computer science: operating systems
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
My class on child abuse was the worst class ever :////
over 8 years
i'm in my typography class and i want to die
deletedover 8 years
i'm taking a class on child abuse, dark topic but pretty interesting
deletedover 8 years
Political Science 385R: Special Topics in Political Science
over 8 years
Class A.
over 8 years
OH i forgot mock trial, this class was so fun
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years

Whitepimp007 says

pamda says

cybercrime investigation and introduction to psychopathy

Hey, I took American criminology. It was a fun class. We practiced screaming LAW AND ORDER, LAW AND ORDER, then we threw minorities in jail if they said they like to smoke a little week. Good times.

over 8 years
i usually play healer/bard. tank as secondary.
over 8 years

pamda says

cybercrime investigation and introduction to psychopathy

Hey, I took American criminology. It was a fun class. We practiced screaming LAW AND ORDER, LAW AND ORDER, then we threw minorities in jail if they said they like to smoke a little week. Good times.
deletedover 8 years
I've got logic as a subject too, it isn't bad at all. I still like mathematics the most, though
over 8 years

sexmachine101 says

wow we are like opposites! i am majoring in cs, but i love taking philosophy courses. i took intro to logic, adv. logic, and free will

cs is my minor~~ logic is really fun, isn't it?

pambda says

cybercrime investigation and introduction to psychopathy

gonna op your maf game!!!!!!
over 8 years

Phoenixo says

Street class.

deletedover 8 years
Street class.
over 8 years
over 8 years
my fav classes were u.s. foreign policy, philosophy and intro to criminology, im glad im done wit uni tho
over 8 years
I personally really enjoy the bard class, it allows for some really good feats and stat bonus'. lol
deletedover 8 years
cybercrime investigation and introduction to psychopathy
deletedover 8 years
i took intro 2 logic last sem that class was tite
deletedover 8 years
wow we are like opposites! i am majoring in cs, but i love taking philosophy courses. i took intro to logic, adv. logic, and free will
deletedover 8 years