I'm really liking my Philosophy of Mind course (PHI 532). It's ontological and but the teacher YELLED at me for bringing up Liebnizian Monadology. it is safe to say (from an experience which iam NOT exaggerating) that Marxists are fighting to keep the True truth of Real reality out of higher education. i can confirm the theoretical, practical, and actual validity of ~Monadology~ as a n3 unCC'd freemason. so, well, you heard it here first, folks
cybercrime investigation and introduction to psychopathy
Hey, I took American criminology. It was a fun class. We practiced screaming LAW AND ORDER, LAW AND ORDER, then we threw minorities in jail if they said they like to smoke a little week. Good times.
deletedover 8 years
I've got logic as a subject too, it isn't bad at all. I still like mathematics the most, though