I don't think anyone should actually find Xerox to be mafia based off his play so far. I think he is just garbage that should be taken out before it stinks up the kitchen.
It was a reaction test. there was no slip. But instead of saying "i cant slip" he instead tried to correct his post in the case he did maf slip. He then went on to say that he can 'scum slip on purpose as town' or some other bs lol
I want everyone voting IAmNotABC to give an actual reason why.
Here's mine:
I cannot handle this player. I do not care if they are town. They refuse to read, they make no sense, they scum slipped and then said it was scummy to SR a scumslip and push it, they then followed that up by not even voting the person who pushed their scumslip. They are a complete and utter liability and I'll be damned if I have to spend multiple days of my life talking to this brick wall of a player who coincidentally is about as intelligent as a brick wall. I actually hope this flips town and he can rot in the GY ignorantly screaming that I am scum until the game ends and I am exonerated and this little bunny sh'it can retire permanently from Forum Mafia.
That's not meant to be a jab at his English, it's really not. It's a legitimate concern that this guy is actually incapable of understanding everything I am saying and it really does fuc'k up the game.
no as in no, you aren't the only one pinged my Jeff's reaction. Jeff is a reactive player, but I believe he's also the type to fake stuff like that as scum a lot and expect us to take it as a personality tell. So, inconclusive. But you aren't the only one who thought he might have overreacted, no.
i just read read the last 10 pages after the website finally came up, yes. i didn't really catch the scumslip, so i'm wondering what you're even saying is one
i mean, i really doubt xxerox flips scum btw, so thats why i'm a bit confused. he almost always likes to bus his partners, just a btw
Xerox doesn't realize that all my posts about someone saying that they are scummy on purpose clears them is not a real post. He can't read sarcasm and now thinks that I am forced to TR anyone who says they were scummy on purpose. This is a basic misunderstanding due to lack of comprehension skills and this game cannot be played correctly from his vantage point anymore because he fundamentally is incapable of understanding me so idk what to do guys lol
xeroxx just maf slipped. first person to quote how and where gets a free TR from me for the rest of the game
Actually what i said is opposite to slip. Mafia dies really hard. You should reread the whole sentence.
Btw, it was a reaction test. You failed. If xxerox was town he's say something like "i cant maf slip it's impossible" or something of the sort. But, instead he tried to make sure to correct his sentence instead. Meaning it's possible for him to maf slip
Vote: IamNotABC
You're welcome, everyone.
quoting it so no one misses it lol
xeroxx just maf slipped. first person to quote how and where gets a free TR from me for the rest of the game
Actually what i said is opposite to slip. Mafia dies really hard. You should reread the whole sentence.
Btw, it was a reaction test. You failed. If xxerox was town he's say something like "i cant maf slip it's impossible" or something of the sort. But, instead he tried to make sure to correct his sentence instead. Meaning it's possible for him to maf slip
By Jeff's reasoning, simply because i said i am done "Scumtelling on purpose" I would imediately be cleared from all fos for my previous behaviour.
I can no longer FOS Jeff, because of his reasoning. But he can't either.
So Jeff, Unless you unvote, i will consider your reasoning wrong and broken because you are not doing it right.
Read why I voted you. It has nothing to do with SRing you. Also, AS ALWAYS you are NOT READING. I am not saying that I have to TR you for copying my play, it's you that is obligated to TR me since you chose my play to copy.
Now , i am 100% calm and not scummy and i am not doing crazy startegies because apparently you can imediately change and change everyone's reads too if you say so.
Please stop typing. I regret calling out your ISP. I will do anything to get you to never ever talk again. I never thought I'd say this but I'd love for Forrest to take your place in this game.
Now , i am 100% calm and not scummy and i am not doing crazy startegies because apparently you can imediately change and change everyone's reads too if you say so.
Please stop typing. I regret calling out your ISP. I will do anything to get you to never ever talk again. I never thought I'd say this but I'd love for Forrest to take your place in this game.