Xerox is town and this game is a complete waste. Sonia IS LITERALLY claiming a role she told people on skype like a month ago that she would love to be and now just RANDOMLY OUT OF THE BLUE SHE RNG FLIPS IT. What a JOKE
Also this is starting to create too many clears which is kinda confusing. So far every role that has claimed including mine sounds like something town would have. I think xxerox lying about his role was kinda towny day1.
Idk wtf my role is called but I am so over this idgaf I'm just gonna claim it. I'm a 1 shot role that can choose another player and I inherit their PR abilities mafia please kill me tonight thank you
OHHH ok, that makes more sense. So you're basically gonna be even night refill now. Okay, imo you should refill ripple and if we get more reports that would be great