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Forum Mafia 20: Tarot Mafia

deletedover 8 years

Welcome to Forum Mafia 20: Tarot Mafia.

Game has ended during Day 5 in a town win.

Setup Notes:

  • 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.
  • This setup is role madness; everyone will be a power role.
  • This game will be for 13 players; 10 will be town and 3 will be mafia.
  • I will be using Natural Action Resolution.
  • A sample town role PM may be viewed here. Additional flavor may be present in actual role PM's for both alignments.

The rules are located here.

Events Log:

Most Recent Voting Log: 5.01 (Page 185)

  • Page 2: Day 1 begins.
  • Page 82: UltraAug is lynched.
  • Page 83: Day 2 begins.
  • Page 124: A voice echoes through your minds.
  • Page 167: Ripple is lynched. Day 3 begins.
  • Page 178: Shamu is lynched. Sincerely is killed. Day 4 begins. denial's role is revealed.
  • Page 183: IAmNotABC is lynched. Transcend is killed. Day 5 begins.
  • Page 185: Gerry is lynched. Town wins.
over 8 years

Ripple says

Sincerely says

and my point is that

mist would not expect us to clear scum

that is all.

So you're saying if she expected us all to clear a mafia crier she wouldn't add it in ye?

i'm saying she wouldn't add it for that reason, specifically, with the express intent of having us clear mafia.
over 8 years
i mean, your point was "so that we think it's town" which seems uhhh :T
deletedover 8 years

Sincerely says

and my point is that

mist would not expect us to clear scum

that is all.

So you're saying if she expected us all to clear a mafia crier she wouldn't add it in ye?
deletedover 8 years

Sincerely says

the fact that crier on mafiascum isn't clear changes everything. I didn't see any such role listed so I assumed it was specific to EM...

It's called "announcer"
instead of crier

now you finally get my point!
over 8 years
and my point is that

mist would not expect us to clear scum

that is all.
over 8 years
the fact that crier on mafiascum isn't clear changes everything. I didn't see any such role listed so I assumed it was specific to EM...
deletedover 8 years
Sin answer me this:
What mindset do you think Mist made this set up with cause
"crier" on mafia scum isn't clear
"crier" on epic mafia is
and that's the issue here would she use Mafiascum mindset or EM
over 8 years
outside of a b/stard game, i mean
over 8 years

Ripple says

Sincerely says

ugggggggggh why do i have to try to use WORDS to EXPLAIN THINGS

Ripple says

Sincerely says

specifically the PAPUITO read

honestly that read is so bad and you don't react when i explain to you why it's bad so i'm gonna take that as a scumclaim unless you explain yourself

or at least i won't unvote until you do

You didn't really counter my point when i read your statement but:

there's not a point because it's easy to be a mafia crier
You guys are treating him like a clear so that's what I meant by it
my point is I think the crier is there like "oh it's normally a town role so let's clear it!"


Would not.

Implement a role.

With the assumption that town would assume that role was clear

if they were mafia.

That would make this a LOL IT CENSORS B@STARD game.

Your logic depends entirely on CRIER being a role EXPECTED TO BE TOWN. If it made sense for crier to be scum, mist would not expect or want us to assume crier was town.

edit: edited

Do you see anyone but me doubting the crier claim? No everyone is like: PAP BE AUTO CLEAR
I've played games where scum criers exists so sorry for not auto believing it when Pap was one of my sr's!

can you link me the games?

It makes no sense to me that a host would implement a scum role WITH THE EXPECTATION THAT TOWN WOULD ASSUME THEY WERE CLEAR
over 8 years
Like, a PLAYER might wifom by trying to lead people on logic that makes 0 sense, but the host wouldn't encourage it.

I'm trying to explain this as clearly as possible and just. ugh. I wish I could borrow Jeff's way with words
deletedover 8 years

Sincerely says

ugggggggggh why do i have to try to use WORDS to EXPLAIN THINGS

Ripple says

Sincerely says

specifically the PAPUITO read

honestly that read is so bad and you don't react when i explain to you why it's bad so i'm gonna take that as a scumclaim unless you explain yourself

or at least i won't unvote until you do

You didn't really counter my point when i read your statement but:

there's not a point because it's easy to be a mafia crier
You guys are treating him like a clear so that's what I meant by it
my point is I think the crier is there like "oh it's normally a town role so let's clear it!"


Would not.

Implement a role.

With the assumption that town would assume that role was clear

if they were mafia.

That would make this a LOL IT CENSORS B@STARD game.

Your logic depends entirely on CRIER being a role EXPECTED TO BE TOWN. If it made sense for crier to be scum, mist would not expect or want us to assume crier was town.

edit: edited

Do you see anyone but me doubting the crier claim? No everyone is like: PAP BE AUTO CLEAR
I've played games where scum criers exists so sorry for not auto believing it when Pap was one of my sr's!
over 8 years
ugggggggggh why do i have to try to use WORDS to EXPLAIN THINGS

Ripple says

Sincerely says

specifically the PAPUITO read

honestly that read is so bad and you don't react when i explain to you why it's bad so i'm gonna take that as a scumclaim unless you explain yourself

or at least i won't unvote until you do

You didn't really counter my point when i read your statement but:

there's not a point because it's easy to be a mafia crier
You guys are treating him like a clear so that's what I meant by it
my point is I think the crier is there like "oh it's normally a town role so let's clear it!"


Would not.

Implement a role.

With the assumption that town would assume that role was clear

if they were mafia.

That would make this a LOL IT CENSORS B@STARD game.

Your logic depends entirely on CRIER being a role EXPECTED TO BE TOWN. If it made sense for crier to be scum, mist would not expect or want us to assume crier was town.

edit: edited
deletedover 8 years
To put it simply: Everyone unvoted Pap for being a Crier and I think that's wrong and NAI
deletedover 8 years

Gerry says

Ripple says


Just cause you don't agree with my reads doesn't mean I haven't outted reads

You out reads but don't give reasons for them. do some scumhunting then?????

And you think I'm the dumb one lol
over 8 years
Yeeeee, had to write a satire similar in regards to Swift's "A Modest Proposal".
deletedover 8 years

Sincerely says

specifically the PAPUITO read

honestly that read is so bad and you don't react when i explain to you why it's bad so i'm gonna take that as a scumclaim unless you explain yourself

or at least i won't unvote until you do

You didn't really counter my point when i read your statement but:

there's not a point because it's easy to be a mafia crier
You guys are treating him like a clear so that's what I meant by it
my point is I think the crier is there like "oh it's normally a town role so let's clear it!"
over 8 years
i thought it was a copypasta because i didn't know it was a piece of fiction

over 8 years
That was before I did my revisions, though. I should have posted the final product instead, but this was easier to access.
over 8 years
How dare you ever think my original work is a copy pasta.
over 8 years

Jeff says

I have been thinking a lot lately about the benefits of having all Americans chipped and controlled by one person who decides what is correct and how everyone should live. After much thought, I have decided that the person with the best judgment to run all chipped Americans is, not shockingly, me. I have logged onto Facebook a lot lately and everyone in my feed has been posting their own (wrong) political beliefs and (horrid) religious beliefs and I have really come to realize that I am the last remaining person in this country that is right about absolutely everything. Due to the belief that I am right and everyone around me is wrong, I have often felt inclined to do what the rest of the nation does which would be to kill everyone who disagrees with me and whoever I can’t kill I should probably just yell and scream at until they are even more polarized against me. Sadly, the idea that it is effective to insult everyone who disagrees with you to the point of mental breakdowns has led our country into this mess. Therefore, I was led to my previous proposal, the necessity of robot Americans that I control.

at first i thought this was a copypasta but then i saw the part about screaming
over 8 years

Jeff says



don't test me i will unvote
over 8 years
I have been thinking a lot lately about the benefits of having all Americans chipped and controlled by one person who decides what is correct and how everyone should live. After much thought, I have decided that the person with the best judgment to run all chipped Americans is, not shockingly, me. I have logged onto Facebook a lot lately and everyone in my feed has been posting their own (wrong) political beliefs and (horrid) religious beliefs and I have really come to realize that I am the last remaining person in this country that is right about absolutely everything. Due to the belief that I am right and everyone around me is wrong, I have often felt inclined to do what the rest of the nation does which would be to kill everyone who disagrees with me and whoever I can’t kill I should probably just yell and scream at until they are even more polarized against me. Sadly, the idea that it is effective to insult everyone who disagrees with you to the point of mental breakdowns has led our country into this mess. Therefore, I was led to my previous proposal, the necessity of robot Americans that I control.
over 8 years
those are my dying words ^^^


Jeff says

Sincerely says

Jeff says

Saying people are too scummy to be scum or too townie to be town and therefore voting opposite of that does not make you a good player if you are right. It means you used terrible logic and got lucky.

did ANYONE say that?

No but that's usually the logic behind townreading an extremely scummy anti town player.

alternatively, maybe people just think she's town, because they see something you don't or read in a different way from you
over 8 years

Jeff says



ohshit modkilled

over 8 years

Sincerely says

Jeff says

Saying people are too scummy to be scum or too townie to be town and therefore voting opposite of that does not make you a good player if you are right. It means you used terrible logic and got lucky.

did ANYONE say that?

No but that's usually the logic behind townreading an extremely scummy anti town player.