hi. no, im definitely not maf....... who do i think is maf? well possibly if its not papuito, it might be ripple/thundurus/tartosis? i find it weird they're all splitting votes atm
I honestly don't know what to say and it's really annoying me like I don't know what to do to get this scumread off me it's just like what did I do how can I defend myself do I have to legit just sit here and cry my eyes out to get tr UGH
also, generally i feel like you are lying. while rereading i noticed you claim you only had one ability. this along with saying it has nothing to do with your card, i feel is a bit questionable
keep in mind, ultraaug may be an (in)sane cop, but he actually had "two" abilities. one was being an alignment cop, and the other was the random shot for being sane or insane
edit: btw, i had to shorten your quote in order to be within 500
gonna use this post as the basis, you had a few posts after this i'm gonna question though
1. if you think the best way to find scum is to start lynching people and see how they react, why don't you have a better read on ripple? you don't think shes been dancing closely around being lynched to produce a read for you?
2. okay, so if you aren't sure if im town or maf based on the push off you, then what is so interesting about me not voting here? or are you saying you think im more scum but think i could be town because im not voting? what is the "interesting" part here, because to me it looks like you just want to subtle push
3. have you read every page in this thread? i don't see how you missed abc's claims on 55 (ill give you benefit of the doubt that you might've wrote u scumread him during the time he claimed, so you didn't actually read it first) that you had to come back to him on page 60 and ask him what his abilities are called then townread him from there
deletedover 8 years
Mod Note: Accidentally set the deadline 24 hours short. It's been adjusted. Previous votecounts have an incorrect deadline.