You spend so much time on this website pretending you don't care, talking about your fake stud lifestyle just to try and hide the fact you've been hopelessly chasing the same girl online for years. When you're "at a hotel with some hot white chick" it's actually the latest daydream you had to add to your wankfest.
You always act like some kind of royalty around here but really your self grandeur is more misplaced than Obama's was when he tried to run a white man's country.
The fact you think I'd remember that is a stark contrast to how much I actually care.
Ian, you're so ashamed by who you really are that you recreated yourself online for the fiftieth time, denying it constantly with the mild hope you might one day believe for yourself that you weren't a complete embarrassment to anyone who knew you.
I don't know you but judging by your profile you're the kind of person that cancels and re-sends friend requests on Facebook after an hour of refreshing because you're that desperate to talk to anyone who will at least pretend they give a fúck about your existence.
You're so Indian that even your own family treats you like a slave and forces you to raise your sister until they put you both up for the sale on the almost-black market.
You're so Indian that even your own family treats you like a slave and forces you to raise your sister until they put you both up for sale on the almost-black market.
deletedabout 8 years
Okay that was was a good roast since that actually hurt
The way you play unranked as if it's a gold heart is reminiscent of how you do tests with the "specially able" class and still come bottom on the scoresheet.
I've seen you tryhard bro don't lie to me.
deletedabout 8 years
sure a
The way you play unranked as if it's a gold heart is reminiscent of how you do tests with the "specially able" class and still come bottom on the scoresheet.
Honestly, the only thing that makes you relevant to this website anymore is your attachment to Gerry, who's tried to ditch you for about twenty other girls already but you're just too dumb to fúcking notice when you're not wanted.
You try to act like you don't really care about anything but as soon as someone mentions hair on your upper lip you start crying and run back to Blister in the hope he might finally call you "cute" a year after he conned you into throwing games for his trophy.
The way you play unranked as if it's a gold heart is reminiscent of how you do tests with the "specially able" class and still come bottom on the scoresheet.
You confuse yourself so much between memes and trolling that you're like a sexually abused clown. Your audiences forget you almost as easily as you forget the roofie-filled night before.