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Mod Hurt and Hurt

deletedalmost 8 years

Whoever posts the most hurtful comment about a moderator wins

Bebop will never touch an unclothed naked body other than his own.

almost 8 years
Bebop locked the mod hurt and heal thread out of spite after he died, because whatever complex he has gets crushed when he isn't the king of the world of Epicmafia.
almost 8 years
Bebop shoves glass bottles up his a.sshole.
deletedalmost 8 years

thecolonel says

If Bebop and that other mod actually get married then she'll slowly grow up and find herself in shambles over the manchild she sees next to her, knowing she's done something that can never be taken back.

"idk she's a walking spatula so she'd prolly be happy w herself" -some kid in some skype group that made me laugh
almost 8 years
Bebop probably believes that the Japanese are honorary Aryans.
deletedalmost 8 years

Bigpock says

Bebops mad nobody likes him and he tries so hard hahahahah. Ive never seen a more self centered egotistical person that wasnt trolling than that girl haired loser

almost 8 years
If Bebop and that other mod actually get married then she'll slowly grow up and find herself in shambles over the manchild she sees next to her, knowing she's done something that can never be taken back.
almost 8 years
Bebop associates with homosexuals because most normal people don't want anything to do with him.
almost 8 years
Rick died so this thread could live.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

usagichan says

i heard bebop likes crocs

who the fck told you

the same person that told me u like off-brand cereal
almost 8 years

usagichan says

i heard bebop likes crocs

who the fck told you
almost 8 years
i heard bebop likes crocs
almost 8 years
fnoof? more like poop
deletedalmost 8 years

RickyRoma says

Merlot is such an unoriginal person that I just recently realized that they are a different person than bebop

you should include the word 'only' between 'I' and 'just'
almost 8 years
pamda suck lol
almost 8 years
Bebop tries to make a big man of himself on party game site Epicmafia, because his presence on party game site Epicmafia is all that he has.
deletedalmost 8 years
Merlot is such an unoriginal person that I just recently realized that they are a different person than bebop
almost 8 years
Bebop's overuse of the internet has torn his childhood dreams to shreds, and his real-life sense of humor makes people uncomfortable.
almost 8 years

fnoof says

i have a photo here that says otherwise, actually.

you aren't the only one
deletedalmost 8 years

fnoof says

i have a photo here that says otherwise, actually.

Fnoof pays 10 dollars a gram for shake weed
deletedalmost 8 years
i have a photo here that says otherwise, actually.