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Which Flavors Are You? 2.0

over 7 years

Post below for what I think you taste like based on your personality. Since everyone can be different at times, I will give you a combination of 2~3 flavors.

  1. Salty
  2. Umami
  3. Spicy
  4. Sweet
  5. Bitter
  6. Sour

+ Special Category: TOO MUCH CHEMICALS. #TOXIC

Don't do this if you don't want yourself to be assessed in a way that might offend you.

are you gay?
over 7 years

deandean says

Salty and bitter gg.

Sour + Sweet.

You can go a little crazy sometimes, being a troll and all, and people can find that very repulsive. Underneath, you actually do listen to what people say and try to make amends or at least attempt to lessen the heated atmosphere. Also very helpful, 10/10.
over 7 years

HighSpace says


Umami + Spicy.

You are a very easygoing dude, doesn't really care about anything/is indifferent most of the time. Although, you can go very hardcore in games, being very unexpected, like a fire. This flame, I think, holds you back still as people perceive it in a bad light, resulting in an undesirable outcome.
deletedover 7 years
Toxic and Toxic.
over 7 years
im ready
deletedover 7 years
Salty and bitter gg.
over 7 years
over 7 years