Where can I applying for Role Mod? Since you seem to be modding cheaters and banned users, I want to join in your ring of retards.
Retired forever, every username I've been on this website that seems to be degrading in quality over time instead of improving. I give zero crap about this website. That should say a lot to you shitfucks since I was a huge fan of this website. No post deletion by the way. See you clowns some other time. I'm never coming back to this ever again. Trolls that will post in this thread, post. I'm not going to be around to see your .
Fuck this website3 deleted15m 12s Stick to lobby Where can I applying for Role Mod? Since you seem to be modding cheaters and banned users, I want to join in your ring of retards.
deletedalmost 8 years
I think it's safe to assume English isn't his first language