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Who Wants to Leave Forever?

almost 8 years

Introducing a new forum game,

Who Wants to Leave Forever (WWLF)

The game is simple. Sign up if you feel epicmafia is an addiction that's seriously harming you and your studies.

Signing up means you volunteer and give the entire site full consent to use any means necessary to permenantly drive you off the site.

This includes use of threats, personal information, bullying, hate campaigns, unfair banning, hacking.. anything to get you off the site for good and let you get on with your life.

There will be no mercy for volunteers, as being nice and gentle would defeat the purpose and allow you to come back on the site a few weeks later.

deletedalmost 8 years
I'd sign up but I feel like my next thread will explain everything for me.
almost 8 years
matt no
almost 8 years
mtlve says she would like to sign up
deletedalmost 8 years

illuminati says

I've got $10 on Arcbell not going through with this, any takers?

no takers
almost 8 years
I've got $10 on Arcbell not going through with this, any takers?
almost 8 years
add me boys
almost 8 years
Does anyone wanna retract their sign up?
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
someone get jeff in here so that the thread can become all about him
almost 8 years
This is a good thread so I won't involve you in a discussion that would derail the thread.
almost 8 years
i nominate bebop
deletedalmost 8 years
mandevian's real name is pranay

i just dox'd u kiddo
almost 8 years
I never signed up. You see, this is why you are bad at trolling. You are too desperate. If you acted genuine here and even pretended to take this venture of yours seriously, then it would be a great success and you would actually have some fun with this.
almost 8 years
You can't opt out once you've already signed up. That would defeat the purpose.
almost 8 years

mandevian says

No I don't sign up for this.

The player list at the top says otherwise.
almost 8 years
No I don't sign up for this.
almost 8 years

mandevian says

You already did this to glow.

Wise choice mandevian. Your family will appreciate the tough call you made on this day.
almost 8 years
Ladies and gentlemen I have a write-in volunteer. He sent me a hand-written letter and requested to be included in the game.
almost 8 years
You already did this to glow.