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Sheamus Complains

over 7 years

me names sheamus, i was told not to pointfarm in this lobby

now this is double standards because i see the lobby owner is pointfarming


also these 3 users pointfarmed for trophies: Voice, EMBB, Dariukas47

deletedover 7 years

Cody says


over 7 years
deletedover 7 years

Dynaon says

why does this website even exist and why do you people care

I'm going to have to agree with this guy.
deletedover 7 years
why does this lobby even exist
over 7 years
wow the nerve of those mods!! truly disgusting :^)
over 7 years

Sheamus says

you say pointfarming is not okay but it is okay if you are pointfarming for a trophy. LOL!

If you happened to take a gander at the round, all of the mods you called out actually got suspended from the round. Why might this be the case? Because the people who were supposed to get trophies got them, not the mods who helped them pointfarm.
over 7 years
is this vwxyz
over 7 years
lol f*** off wwe
over 7 years
you say pointfarming is not okay but it is okay if you are pointfarming for a trophy. LOL!
over 7 years
over 7 years

Cammy says

this is sheamus, witnessing your terrible trolling. he is sad to see u ruining his name. this is sheamus. pls save him from his sadness.

i am sheamus, the real sheamus and that is the face i make when i see the vivor mods being hypocrites. very sad!
over 7 years

this is sheamus, witnessing your terrible trolling. he is sad to see u ruining his name. this is sheamus. pls save him from his sadness.
over 7 years
it's not earning a trophy if you're pointfarming for it. lmaoooooooooooo lmaoooooooooooo lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
over 7 years
u are only allowed to point farm if you are point farming to earn your trophy from one of our trophy games or ORGs. sometimes others are involved to help with the process but they do not receive a trophy.

we do not allow point farming if you are not doing it for a trophy, and even in that instance a lobby moderator is always there to supervise. other than for trophy farming, we do not allow the use of red hearts or gold hearts.
over 7 years

cjn104played this94times!
EMBBplayed this93times!
Cammyplayed this60times!
cosmoiswatchingplayed this57times!
VWXYZplayed this53times!

cammy and cosmoiswatching are vivor lobby mods. this is disgusting hypocrisy