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Leaving EpicMafia

deletedover 7 years

This has been a work in progress from last month, and I decided that now was a good time to announce it.

Until further notice, I'll be leaving EM after my troll game on March 4th.

Unless somebody convinces me otherwise, that's when I'll be leaving.

Again, Survivor Lobby, I posted here because you've brought me so many good memories. It's been a wonderful time in the 6 or so months I was here, and the Lobby really showed me what wonderful friends I could make and the good times I could have. It really was amazing to laugh along with you guys.

School feels like it's weighing on me. Coupled with me having quite a few activities on weekends, it feels like I'm all too pressed for time these days. That's why you've seen me suicide/veg so much of my played games.

So, to all of EpicMafia, especially Survivor Lobby, good-bye.

I don't want Jabzz to leave.
16 signed
This might actually mean something to me.
deletedover 7 years
Come join a chatroom every once in a while! <3
deletedover 7 years
I agree with lSamEl. If you need a break, definitely take a break. I'd like you to stay cause you were one of the most welcoming people to me when I first joined. If you leave and come back, I can only hope to give you back the amount of welcome that you gave me as a new user Jabzz.
over 7 years
Come back when you feel less pressured! Leaving doesn't mean forever. If you don't feel like you can play, take a break, but if you ever feel like coming back the vivor lobby will welcome you.
over 7 years
bb pls don't leave
deletedover 7 years
i cant sign the petition on mobile but i dont want you to leave ;(((

if you do decide to permanently leave, good luck to you in life, and remember, everything the light touches is your kingdom my son :^)
over 7 years
Please don't leave.
over 7 years
jabzz.... we all know.... u cant quit this website
over 7 years
cya 2moro lol
over 7 years
Jabzz, I would try as hard as I could to convince you to stay here, but I know in the end, it's not my decision, it's yours.
I hope that eventually, you'll come back and just say hi to everyone again, because I'd really appreciate it, as well as other people who would appreciate it as well.
Anyways, I'm here to say goodbye to you, and I hope the few memories we've had together will last until we see each other again, if we ever do see each other, that is.
Love ya Jabzz <3

over 7 years
bye emmy snek <3
over 7 years
love you jabzzy
deletedover 7 years
Thanks, guys, for everything.