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Maybe a few opinions

over 7 years

Hullo peoples. Idk, I'm bored and I might do some opinions. I will try to make them reasonably genuine although I admit that honestly I'm not very close to that many people anymore so I may just skip it if I can't think of an opinion that isn't just straight up generic.

I also mean no ill will in advance if some of them are a little savage so don't think I'm trying to antagonise you.

Favourite animal?
over 7 years
over 7 years

hedger says

JohnBatman says

sure y not

Hi, I think you know my opinion of your gameplay in survivor and why I always had frustrations playing with you, but outside of games, I think you're a very smart person, especially for someone so young.

I enjoy our conversations about football, and it's fun to remind you whenever Arsenal gets completely hammered, like their great performance at Bayern last week :3

I think you're a little misunderstood because of that reputation you have in games, but overall, I think you're a great guy and I always like having a good chat.

over 7 years
hello i play games with you sometimes but we never seem to actually accomplish anything together
over 7 years
omg even tho we havent spoke in ages do it
over 7 years

belle says


anna <3 Hi, I think I may have been quick to judge you before I actually knew you, based on calvin's track record, but after a few interactions with you, I found you to be a super lovely and cheerful person, always pleasant on the forums, being very helpful.

While we've never had any intimate conversations, I enjoyed your presence in games as a very refreshing experience.

You also hosted the longest game I think I've ever played so I probably won't forget that :P
over 7 years

Cody says

did you do me yet bhed

Hi Cody. I think we've had a very odd friendship. At times, you can be one of the best friends I could have, and there's other times where you can really rub people, including myself, the wrong way.

You're a very honest person and obviously very intelligent, but at times you can be a bit rash, without really thinking about the situation and how to handle it. I know it can be hard sometimes to not let your emotions get the better of you, but I think sometimes you just need to take a step back and actually think about it from a more neutral perspective.

And as so, we've had our fights, but I still find you a great friend, who is pleasant to be around, and when you do leave for extended periods of time, it does feel a lot more empty around here.
over 7 years
over 7 years

ponds says


Hullo ponds. We're not super close, but you are always pleasant to be around. You are very friendly with just about everybody and seem to have quickly fit in to the community even after long breaks away from the lobby, and have definitely helped in making this lobby a better place.
over 7 years

HighSpace says


Hola. We've known each other for over 4 years now, and in that time, we've never had a single problem, with the extent of it being that I betrayed you once in a survivor game and then you did it to me the next game to even it out and then everything was perfect after that. As implied, you are really easy to get along with, and we can talk about just about anything. You are very content, we don't need to talk every week or even every month and still feel like there's nothing wrong and that we're still good friends.

I could probably go on all day if I wanted to but I'd rather not bore you with things you already know :3
over 7 years

thefire007 says


Hey, like John, I would always enjoy a football conversation with you.

However, while I don't have a problem with you, as I haven't had to deal with it at all, I think at times you rub other people the wrong way. You seem to say things that are a little insensitive and then try to cover it as a joke afterwards. Even if it is a joke, I think it's smarter to be careful of what you say and try not to get under people's skin, or just stand up for yourself and say what you feel but at least explain why you feel that way and admit that it's how you feel.

Again, this is just my opinion from a few things I've seen and a couple of bits of drama you've been involved in, so take everything I've said with a grain of salt, but it might also be something to keep in mind.
over 7 years
did you do me yet bhed
over 7 years

PotatoPlayer says


Meow. You haven't really been around at all in the last few months, and honestly, I don't really remember what you were like, so I guess you didn't leave much of a lasting impression on me.
over 7 years

Lelmoo says


You're the best cow I know. Which doesn't say too much since they're not my fondest animals but still :P

You're never around too much so our interactions have never been super involved, but you're very chill, and you're easy to get along with, plus we're still dogenation ;)
over 7 years

JohnBatman says

sure y not

Hi, I think you know my opinion of your gameplay in survivor and why I always had frustrations playing with you, but outside of games, I think you're a very smart person, especially for someone so young.

I enjoy our conversations about football, and it's fun to remind you whenever Arsenal gets completely hammered, like their great performance at Bayern last week :3

I think you're a little misunderstood because of that reputation you have in games, but overall, I think you're a great guy and I always like having a good chat.
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
sure y not
over 7 years

Nicol says

hedgey cat

Nicole <3 Hi, you are like the younger sister I never had, but would take :3

Your bubbly nature always makes me smile even when I'm feeling down, and I'm really glad I've gotten to know you over the last half year? I can't even remember when we first met now.

You are one of the few people I enjoy playing with, and I enjoy not being stabbed in the back, like I know you would never do :)

Like I told cinn to quit EM, I suggest that you should quit league ;)

But in all seriousness, you're a great friend, and I don't have a bad thing to say about you.
over 7 years

ryman says

my boi

ryman lad :doge:

You're a super chill lad, and a great friend to have. I know you'll always have my back, and beat up anybody that tries to pick a fight with me :3 But in all seriousness, you'll do what you need to do for your friends, even if it involves getting blood on your own hands to do it :)

You're great to hang around and make for fun conversation. I'm not sure exactly why but you remind me a lot of Harry with your temperament, which honestly, you two are the two guys I look up to the most on this site, and the type of person I'd like to be in a perfect world.
over 7 years

ImDory says

Yes me

I don't know man. I appreciate that you're trying to fit in, in the lobby, even though I think some of the barriers you're facing makes it a little difficult at times, so I can respect you for doing your best to improve at different things.

I don't hate you, but you're also not really the type of person that I can hold a conversation with, and really get along with, which is just how it is.
over 7 years

Nadine says

hi hedgey

Meow. You are really one of the best people here. I don't think there's really been a time on em that we haven't been hanging around the same group of people, and even though we've never had really had long, personal skype convos etc. I still would consider you one of my best friends on this site.

You have a very strong personality and you're open which makes it really easy to get to know you. You're not afraid to speak up, which seems to have got you some hate from other people, but is a very good thing overall. Like me, you care more about the opinions of people you like, but you don't really care if people don't agree with you.

You should stop playing so much epicmafia though. It's bad for you :doge:
over 7 years

hedger says

Jakulore says

Me! <3

Hi, I've only seen you around in the last week but you've left a good first impression. You're very friendly and a good conversationalist.

Since we've only known each other for a bit, it is hard to add too much without a lot of conjecture, which I'd like to avoid. (all good things though so don't worry :3)

Either way, you seem to get along with most people, which is never a bad thing and I hope that in a few weeks, I'll have a more complete opinion.

Thanks :)