Naruto is a pretty good anime
ahegao pepe makes me suicidal
deleted almost 8 years
anime for thecolonel
you seem like the type of lad who would enjoy a nice loli comic
iatepewdiepie says if u want lesbian , i suggest shoujo sekt: innocent lovers. why does the brown girl have purple eyes
if u want lesbian , i suggest shoujo sekt: innocent lovers.
deleted almost 8 years
Try Naruto its a gay anime i think you would like. It is a love story between Naruto and Sasuke
deleted almost 8 years
you should watch some yuri names Love Live some hardcore
deleted almost 8 years
yaoi > anime
it's the best hentai out there
have u heard of the matrix?
you want me to read p.o.r.n.? what's wrong with you?
Try 9 of july or pirates of the caribbean
hey this isnt actually a joke give me names
Mel Gibson's "Braveheart".
I want the stuff where they get invaded by an octopus preferably