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Reverse anon opinions!

almost 8 years

You send me an opinion of whoever you want and I'll post it so it's anonymous and no one knows who sent it. I will delete the message as soon as it's posted and I promise I won't tell anyone who it was.

You can also send it as an anon question on my profile so I don't even know who is sending it.

Have fun!

Does Gerry suck
almost 8 years
this is for mtlve. you give me a great throbbing erection every time you hammer the town. i love you.
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
yoyo numbers. I don't like you. That is all.
almost 8 years
I did
almost 8 years
didn't you quit, ponylove
almost 8 years
you're on the hunt? for what? maybe I can help you
almost 8 years
oh it wasn't you then... the hunt continues....
almost 8 years
not the zoo.. or farm.. lol I haven't written anything yet
almost 8 years
or to the farm
almost 8 years
were you the one who wrote this??
i'll send u back to the zoo
almost 8 years
you were a role mod?
almost 8 years

Mori says

i thought you had severe autism when i first talked to you but now you’re not so bad. i hope you’re having a fun time on the role mod team and wish you the best of luck with achieving your goals on this site.

you are the one with autism since I havent been a role mod for ages now!!!! >:C
almost 8 years
for sinead:
Sinead, you're super nice and funny and just overall a great person
almost 8 years
This is for Jess. You probably already know who I am but, I love when we play league together and you are so funny. Sometimes I wish I had known you earlier but oh well haha. You're a great person (heart)
almost 8 years
i thought you had severe autism when i first talked to you but now you’re not so bad. i hope you’re having a fun time on the role mod team and wish you the best of luck with achieving your goals on this site.
almost 8 years
for mtvle:
Mtlve, you are one of the nicest people on em, you may not be the best at mafia, but you sure are fun to talk to :)
almost 8 years
i'm in love with the concept of forrest as a cook
almost 8 years
this thread is just making mori look like a whxre
almost 8 years
I'm in love with Whitepimp007
almost 8 years
Lady nem is someone I've looked up too in terms of mafia play and I'd like to get her more but I doubt she even plays much anymore
almost 8 years
i have a platonic crush and his name is blister
almost 8 years
i think solace is a smart person who doesnt get enough credit for what they do for the website
almost 8 years
i think ponylove is nice because she's caring like a pony
almost 8 years
anon for sinead

that apology thread didn't make your image any better c:
almost 8 years
anon for linker

you are a homosecc