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League of Legends

deletedalmost 8 years

xela is a cool guy

probably will also post your usernames based on regions like that other thread cause it never got updated, as long as you ask by posting or telling me, whatever

EM Username | League Username


Alphabeat | PWR BTM

ari | koí

basiik | Danielle

Bebop | GLUEE

Bluezy | Krag Maw

bonk | Forrest7778

catchmefree2 | ReallyEpic

circubed | circubed

Cody | MapReduction

CoryInConstantinople | vaglna

cute | élf

Dag | latinopeenis

dia | gay420

error | sankarsh

expose | exxpose

favors | ixVoidzz

halsey | costmary

Hottie | TempestFyre

KinkajusRevenge | KinkajusRevenge

LunaTsuki | LunaTsuki

Merlot | Tsareena

Miguel | SheepPotato

Negra | Harte

NeverJest | FailureOfAPerson

Polo | mashkin

sammy | Digital Dreams

ScarletWolf | June Iparis

Semicolon23 | Semicolon23

Seros | Serosia

Serveaux | Clayuser

Sports123492 | Zàp

UsernamePending | UsrnamePending

xela | alëx

xJuicy | Cupîd Stunt


groshu | aktup

BlackLucio | KnightofFJ


Becomeclear | Beyondpower

BSelser | Bselser

Dag | centaurraids

Escurai | Bazzo

expose | lolwott

maxxburn | Daygray

Merlot | Meowlot

Nobody | Nobody

UsernamePending | UsrnamePending

xJuicy | Negxtive

xJuicy | Syndra is Thicc

Zhuorb | TronV


BSelser | oknevort


favors | ixVoidzz

Iceaac | Iceaac

johnreid | Chipotle

Toge | Toge

UsernamePending | UsrnamePending

what do you main dude
I just feed
over 7 years
i never said it was the only thing, but mechanics will stop helping you climb at a certain point and their game knowledge is too similar to make a difference imo
deletedover 7 years
The Only Thing That Separates Me From The Top Tier Players Is Amount Of Time
over 7 years

MeetTerry says

does anyone want to duo

currently s3

over 7 years

Edark says

HelloImDenis says

not really. skill wise, being challenger and high diamond(consistently) isn't that different. What matters to climb to masters and challenger from diamond is the amount of time you play or the number of games you play per day. I guarantee you that all 200 challenger players play more than 4hours a day.

This is just incorrect.

u would be a Challenger... if only u had the drive
over 7 years

HelloImDenis says

not really. skill wise, being challenger and high diamond(consistently) isn't that different. What matters to climb to masters and challenger from diamond is the amount of time you play or the number of games you play per day. I guarantee you that all 200 challenger players play more than 4hours a day.

This is just incorrect.
over 7 years
does anyone want to duo

currently s3
over 7 years
Urf is back, yay
over 7 years
new champ succ
over 7 years
not really. skill wise, being challenger and high diamond(consistently) isn't that different. What matters to climb to masters and challenger from diamond is the amount of time you play or the number of games you play per day. I guarantee you that all 200 challenger players play more than 4hours a day.
over 7 years
GUYS have you seen the new champion, Ornn?

What are your thoughts?
deletedover 7 years
and that's why they're stuck in diamond
over 7 years
there are tryndamere mains in high diamond
deletedover 7 years

groundhogday says

Miguel says

Tryndamere sucks in higher elos lol

it depends what you call higher elo

challenger masters diamond
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
i'll teach you how to swim, kev
deletedover 7 years

pix says

error says

what if he can swim well?

he can't

idk if im happy that you remembered that or sad that regardless of all that u still told me to jump in a river LOL
deletedover 7 years

error says

what if he can swim well?

he can't
deletedover 7 years
arianna knows that i almost drowned when i was 7 so this is basically hate speech
deletedover 7 years
what if he can swim well?
deletedover 7 years

kev says

xela says

What if she's pooling our opinions to form her own... that isn't healthy...

we better ignore her for her own good :(

jump in a river
over 7 years
he is definitely good at a significantly higher elo than urs
over 7 years

Miguel says

Tryndamere sucks in higher elos lol

it depends what you call higher elo
deletedover 7 years

xela says

What if she's pooling our opinions to form her own... that isn't healthy...

we better ignore her for her own good :(
over 7 years
not sure who those gooks is just google best tryndamere players
deletedover 7 years

kev says

what do YOU think of them pix?

ahri: cute n pretty but doesn't seem v star guardian to me
syndra: boring n i rlly don't like her hair
ezreal: boring
miss fortune: kinda cute but doesn't rlly fit
soraka: the best 1 v star guardian