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tara's opinions

over 7 years

comment below :~)

i'll give u a dog picture too

almost 7 years

SirPerior says

Me whenever I pay survivor:

Recommenting because I don't want to be left out of the pupper party <3
almost 7 years

MonteCarrlo says

aw I wasn't expecting one but ty. Yea, it was my first game and you helped me a lot with the challenges, the crazy people, and everything else :). You are such a good player and i was scared Food was actually going to take you because you never give up! And I love that.

ooh ya he was never taking me LOOL
almost 7 years
aw I wasn't expecting one but ty. Yea, it was my first game and you helped me a lot with the challenges, the crazy people, and everything else :). You are such a good player and i was scared Food was actually going to take you because you never give up! And I love that.
almost 7 years

MonteCarrlo says

sammy u da bomb

hi monte! idk if u wanted an opinion but i'm going 2 give one to you anyway! i don't know you too well but i remember playing w you in bryces game n it was heaps of fun! you played suuuperr well for it being one of your first games (or mayb even your first)? but its also super apparent that you have a lot of potential to grow n if you keep playing you could def become one of the best players in the lobby! i hope we play more games soon cos we r such a great power team n it'd b great to get to know you more!! ooh btw thank u for all the nice words you've said about me in chatrooms!

almost 7 years

xPooky says

u suk

hi rich! i like rly don't feel like getting all mushy n stuff n i'm sure u know how much i love u! so i'm gonna skip that. sorry for getting u banned in main lobby but it was all a plot to make u play more survivor games w me!!!! so not cool how u introduced me to this lobby but then abandoned me n never played anymore games w me but thank u so much for introducing me cos i've met so many cool ppl!!! idek what to write. i love how like we never talk but when we see eachother in games we just like reconnect instantly n its like we never stopped talking ?!?! you're such a fun person and so much fun to talk to. you've also been through so much in your life but you're still super positive?? which like rly amazes me like go u, u r an inspiration 2 me. also like when r we getting our matching tattoos, what happened to that?? i rly want to get that flower one cos that was suuper cute, i'd get it like w white ink tho. so u have 2 get the black one. i think the black would match ur eyebrows. i just realised i already wrote an opinion on u i hate u rich u r the worst for bumping this thread. good night.

almost 7 years

Dariukas47 says

u missed like 10 opinions

omg ya lowkey its like 20 and i am so not motivated so super sorry but anyone can recomment if they want but no promises i'll get to u eek lol
almost 7 years

tillie says

kandy says

hi kandy!! sorry this is coming so late omg but you are honestly one of my favourite people in the site. i wish you played more cos i want to play a game w u soo badly! i remember the first n only game i played w u and i found out my mouse died like 10 minutes in n i had to leave cos i couldn't stop crying hahahahaha. but ya i miss playing reverse w you and listening to your gossip. i love how real you are cos it honestly provides so much entertainment. n its a plus that we dislike similar ppl hahahahahahahaha. omg i love u lots though kandy and i hope we do play something together soon!!!! sorry you deserve way better than this small hting but i'm like awful at writing these. love u!!

u missed like 10 opinions
almost 7 years
do me [:
almost 7 years
Opinionate me!
almost 7 years

kandy says

hi kandy!! sorry this is coming so late omg but you are honestly one of my favourite people in the site. i wish you played more cos i want to play a game w u soo badly! i remember the first n only game i played w u and i found out my mouse died like 10 minutes in n i had to leave cos i couldn't stop crying hahahahaha. but ya i miss playing reverse w you and listening to your gossip. i love how real you are cos it honestly provides so much entertainment. n its a plus that we dislike similar ppl hahahahahahahaha. omg i love u lots though kandy and i hope we do play something together soon!!!! sorry you deserve way better than this small hting but i'm like awful at writing these. love u!!

almost 7 years
me pls
almost 7 years
what is this
deletedalmost 7 years
do me
almost 7 years
i hate u rich.
almost 7 years
opinions yay
almost 7 years
tillie is the best
almost 7 years
Tillie is a snake oil salesman, do not trust this pitch.
almost 7 years
if we're reviving dead opinion threads ill take one
almost 7 years
sammy u da bomb
deletedalmost 7 years
opinion me
almost 7 years
u suk
over 7 years
i love dog gifs!!
over 7 years

hedger says

I just want a dog picture even tho cats are better

over 7 years
over 7 years