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★ personal blog

over 7 years

deal with it

over 7 years
Those paint swatch squares are deceiving af >=[
over 7 years
Not trying to grow mold in my new bathroom tbh
over 7 years
I initially wanted whirlpool jets, but then I read up that they don't mesh well with various bath oils and bathbombs : (
over 7 years
I'm doing great! Trying to make a final decision on my new bathtub for bathroom renovations. Too many choices =\
deletedover 7 years
hahahaahahahhahahahahahaha no
deletedover 7 years
mist come be our new admin, we're on the search for a perfect candidate
deletedover 7 years
very well! how r u?
over 7 years
hi nat! how's it going? : )
deletedover 7 years
hi expose nice puppy gif
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Ryuk says


did you actually just (((echo))) heimerdinger
over 7 years
league of legends is a globalist plot to make white ppl not have s3x, its white genocide
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
omg heimerdinger is so much fun!!
over 7 years
worry not O// days where the sun shall shine brighter will come
over 7 years
And then flamed me for dying when the jg ganked me....... >=[
over 7 years
She didn't put down a single ward as my support....
over 7 years
my guess is no
over 7 years
idk u tell us
over 7 years
does she at least has a relic shield?
over 7 years
This annie keeps stealing my farm >=[
over 7 years
Sushi is always the answer, yasssssss
over 7 years
People who refuse to turn right on a red light when there is no "No Turn On Red" sign need their license revoked asap
over 7 years
No the dog in OP isn't mind but I have a very similar pupper. : )
deletedover 7 years
That's so cute
over 7 years
Is this your dog?