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Epicmafia Report Cards

over 7 years

I'm doing reports and crying inside so post here if you want a survivor lobby report card

over 7 years
did i ever post on this
over 7 years
i better get all a's
over 7 years
over 7 years
lalalala i'll do these soon!!!!!
over 7 years
omg is this still a thing i missed it
over 7 years

nattless says

coolkidrox123 says


Roxy continues to develop her spelling abilities, and is beginning to self correct or seek assistance when unsure.

over 7 years
Me <3
over 7 years

loris says


Ioris has settled into the Survivor Lobby well, where his outgoing personality and engaging sense of humour has left him with a close group of loyal friends. He has embraced all aspects of the community and is quick to volunteer to play in games without being asked. Ioris has demonstrated his love of learning when hosting a game and taking on board all constructive criticism provided to him by the players. He continues to strive to improve his game play, as he develops his communication skills and sometimes works well under pressure.
over 7 years
Posting for 4Random2
over 7 years

coolkidrox123 says


Roxy has developed maturity in her playing this year as she is making better choices to support her strategy. She is lively and eager to share her thoughts, questions and opinions in chats and on threads. Roxy works well independently and in groups, and always makes an effort to strive higher whilst playing in ORGs. When hosting, Roxy provides her players with an enjoyable game, fuelled by her enthusiasm and outgoing personality. Roxy continues to develop her spelling abilities, and is beginning to self correct or seek assistance when unsure.
over 7 years

nattless says

posting for snip

It has been a pleasure to see Snip settle down as a member of the Survivor Lobby. His close friends respect his outgoing personality and willingness to share, and this has furthered his placements in games. Snip is an outspoken member of the lobby, who does not shy away from a challenge, and often expresses his thoughts in chats and threads. Snip has demonstrated initiative as he continues to endeavour to turn over a new leaf and has shown this in his willingness to welcome and work with new players.
over 7 years

xSoniaNeverMindx says


Claire is a lively and animated member of the survivor lobby, who enjoys discussing shared interests with her peers. She is an independent person, who often takes initiative in small groups and is usually trusted among her friends. In her role as a mentor, Claire has demonstrated her developed leadership qualities and her outstanding communication skills, as she patiently provides support and advice without being asked. Being an experienced and knowledgeable member of the community has left Claire well respected within the community.
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
me pls
over 7 years
Posting for this ahrre dude.
deletedover 7 years
Posting for bonk
over 7 years
Posting for Zero
over 7 years

kandy says

This is such a cute idea.

As a more experienced player, Kandice has confidence in her abilities and takes pride in her gameplay. She uses her exceptional social skills to forward her in games, where she is able to work well independently and in groups. Kandice thrives when working in smaller groups of two or three, and often finds herself working in several different groups, so as to gain a more thorough understanding of the game. Kandice is often willing to assist her peers without being asked, and her direct manner has left her well respected within the community.
over 7 years
omg nat this is great me pls
over 7 years
by the way, you forgot to hand out the homework!
over 7 years
Spank me with a ruler Ms. Nat
over 7 years
omg I'm so vain, this is perfect for me
over 7 years
Report card for moi
over 7 years